VI - Patched

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Elizabeth Gillies as Kelsea, minus the brown hair.


Sixteen Years.


I woke up rather early for my sixteenth birthday. About five am early.

"Ugh." I groaned, my head falling back onto my pillow.

"What time is it?" Christian groaned, his arm tightening around my waist.

"Like... five thirty something." He groaned louder.

"Why are you awake this early?"

"I don't fucking know." I yawned, burying my face into my pillow. "But I need the bathroom. Let go." I tapped his arm. He let me up to take care of business. When I turned on the light, I saw a message on my mirror.

Happy Patch Day! Oh, and Happy Birthday, Princess!

I chuckled and wiped it off, doing my business, and crawled back into bed.

"Happy patch day to me." He rolled over on top of me and then rolled me over on top of him. He kissed down my jaw and down to my breasts. "Hold up there... I need a shower."

"Who fucking cares?" He growled and grabbed my ass tightly. I yelped in response. "It's your birthday. Besides, you showered yesterday." He tugged on my nipple with his teeth, making a spike of pleasure go straight between my thighs. I bit my lip to contain a whimper until I was on bottom again. "What have I told you, silly girl? Don't silence yourself." He whispered in my ear, a hand slipping through the folds of my lips. I shuddered and moaned lowly, fidgeting beneath him. "Oh, I'm going to have so much fun today..." He chuckled, bringing his lips to mine, and taking me on a ride.


"Fuck!" I breathed, my legs shaking as we were laying on the bed, sweat drenching both of our bodies.

"Happy birthday, Princess." He kissed the top of my head. "How's that for a birthday present?" I smacked his chest, laughing.

"Enjoyed every minute, but I think I might of woken the others up." He chuckled at me.

"Probably. I don't know about you, but I'm hungry. Want to go get some pancakes?"

"You know the way to my heart. Food."

"First, how about a shower?" He wrapped an arm around my waist. "... And round two?"


Coming back with full bellies, it was straight to work. The shop and daycare don't stop even on birthdays.

I worked in the garage as basically the front desk: Cashier, filer, inventory, etc, etc. No dirty work for me.

As I was putting in inventory, there was something slid towards me. I looked over and saw a chocolate ice cream cake in front of me.

"Happy Birthday, Princess." Donna leaned against the door.

"Thanks, Donna." I grinned, wanting to dig into the cake now, but I'd have to wait.

"So, you excited tonight? The big 1-6, and... the patch?" She raised her eyebrows and lowered them quickly a couple times.

"So long as the deal stays. I'm not a mule or a dealer." She sighed.

"It's part of the deal since before you were born, Princess. The club was hurting for money, the cartel made it cushioned and easy. Your mother left because she was dangerously close to getting into the drugs. She wiped your dad clean when she left." That struck me. "Your mom was only in it for the money and attention. But when you were born, she realized that it wasn't about just her anymore and your father wasn't paying as much attention to her. Everything became about you."

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