Part Two: Chapter Seven (Decisions)

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Kelsea walked out the doors, a look of worry on her face. I could tell the entire ride here she was worried about this. The drug running was way over her line, and it was obvious she didn't want to do it. She was three years younger than me, for Christ sake! She also had a kid! She was worried for Kinsey's safety!

"Prez." I held him back from the group. "That was really pushing her boundaries."

"Alucard, you saw her aim. She's been smuggling pot since she was fifteen. If she can smuggle that, a little bit of cocaine is nothing." He dismissed me, leaving me alone in the room. A little cocaine? We were smuggling kilos at a time! Life sentences!

I went to go find her, but found something else.

Magna was staring into her room, where Kinsey was.

"Who the fuck is she?" She demanded, Kelsea walking out of the bathroom. Oh, Merde!

"I thought I told you to stay the fuck away from me!" Kelsea screamed back, guarding her daughter behind her legs.

"I am your goddamn-"

"YOU. ARE. NOT. MY. MOTHER!" A roar of hatred and fury rang across the house. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE, AND STAY AWAY FROM ME AND MY DAUGHTER." Kinsey was full out crying now, while men rushed up, pulling Magna away, and I rushed in to comfort Kinsey. I took her into the bathroom, cleaning up her face, calmly talking to her in my best English possible.

"Your mommy had... a bad past with hers." I tried to explain. "She... left her alone... without ever telling her... When she was younger than you, even." I dabbed her cheeks with a wash cloth.

"I didn't know I had a grandma..." she sniffled. "I don't want to see her if she hurt my mommy." This girl really loved her mother.

"Nobody will let her near you. I promise." I held out my pinky for her. She put her tiny pinky around mine, and she finally began to calm down. "Can you be ready for bed?" She nodded. "Okay. I'm going to find your mommy and see if she is okay." Surprisingly, she gave me a hug before going off to find her pajamas, and brush her teeth. I went on Kelsea's balcony, finding her in the corner, her head on her knees. I took out a cigarette, lighting it up, and poked her arm, offering it to her. She quietly thanked me, taking a drag off it. After the nicotine finally calmed her down, she handed it back to me.

"I hate that woman." Was all she said. Magna was a bitch, I'll admit, but she was Michael's ol' lady. He needed to put her in her place. I certainly couldn't do it.

"Kinsey doesn't want to see her around." She looked up at me. I took another drag before speaking. "I told her to get ready for bed, she's probably waiting for you." Kelsea sighed, rubbing her face.

"What am I supposed to tell her? Grandma ran off when her mom was three years old because she was addicted to crack, coke, and probably heroin?" She was sarcastic, but Kelsea was still a little hysterical.

"You tell her the truth. You tell her Magna was doing bad things, and was never the mother you needed her to be. But that you will never leave her, or do the things she did." I said honestly. Kelsea leaned her head against the wall, groaning. "You weren't going to be able to hide her forever, but you will be able to keep her away. I will bring this up to Michael, so she learns her place."

"Don't bother." She muttered, getting up. "I rather just go back and face Shadow again, than face my own maker." She was running from this.

"You would rather run to a man who hit you and took away your independence as a woman, who didn't let you defend yourself, but rather hit you when you did, than face someone you spit at every time you see her?" She whirled on me.

"You have no right-!"

"But I do. You ran to us for help, I'm trying to help you. I'm trying to help you and your daughter, but you aren't allowing me." She looked shocked, like I smacked her in the face. "I hope you come to learn, I'm not the enemy. Shadow is. Magna is. Not me, or the MC." I walked away, closing her door behind me. I didn't even give her a second glance. She needed to cool off, find her sanity, and give it some honest thought.

I only hope I could have talked some sense into her before she even thought about going back to that asshole and get herself killed.

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