IV - Coke and Pussy

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I grabbed my backpack from my locker in morning, my arm complaining in protest.

"Here," Christian took my bag for me, allowing me to place all my stuff in there, "sorry. Got held up." I groaned, zipping it up. He took it for me as we walked to our first class.

"Don't tell me we were calling in for something already.." I rolled my eyes and Christian wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"No... But we have stuff to do after lunch, and by we-"

"You mean not me." I sighed.

"Actually, you're coming along... In the truck."

"Can't I ride bitch? It's better than riding in that smelly truck." He ruffled my hair.

"Nope. Not tonight. On the way back though, yes." I wrinkled my nose. But, I could settle.

"Fine." We went to the physics room, sitting at our table. Today was a study and makeup day. So, I pulled my hoodie up and caught a nap. But, before I did... "Christian, did you bring any brownies?" I wiggled my eyebrows at him.

"For fucks sake, Kels, in school?!"

"Hey, I'm not smoking it."

"No! The only shit I have is the stuff I'm supposed to sell." I pouted. "This stuff is high quality shit. $40 a gram." I grimaced, then put my head back down. "Speaking of which... I'll be back." He pat my back, dug in his bag, grabbing two bags, then asked to go to the bathroom. I pulled out my phone and put on some music before drifting off to sleep.


The bell rang and woke me from my nice seventy five minute nap. Christian made it back in time to carry my bag for me until we left. We had another class together, art, but we rarely did anything. I was out of a hand because my entire arm was in a cast.

But art was the last class before lunch. Luckily I was able to get credit for the work I wasn't able to do by just taking pictures of others' work and posting it to the school website. Christian was working on a clay piece that was our club insignia. It was a skull with two roses, and clouds. The next part is baking it, then painting and glazing.

"Damn, you have it down to every detail." I looked at it. I had that thing memorized to a T as well, but I was born with it on my clothes. I saw it every day.

"It's what happens when you grow up with the club." He winked at me. I chuckled.

"You can thank me for that... If I hadn't of convinced my dad that you were such a good person, I'd of lost you a long time ago." He kissed my forehead and then put down his tools. He left off the name and handed it in to bake.

"Well, since you two are finished for the day, you can clean up and leave." I left my bag over at the chair and waited for him. It only took him a few minutes before we headed to our lockers, putting our bags in them and got our helmets out.

I hopped on the back of his bike and wrapped my good arm around his waist as he took off.

At the compound, they group was waiting for us.

"300 has an issue going on, they need guns... Plus, since we didn't take you last night, we figured if we ran into trouble, we'd let you pull the trigger." I groaned, going to my room to retrieve my stuff. The weather was becoming colder, surprisingly enough. Texas weather is unpredictable... We have a saying, "if you don't like the weather in Texas, stick around, it'll change in five minutes," and it's pretty much true. It could be sunny one minute, black as night and raining cats and dogs the next.

Chaotic Shadows and the 300 MC (Book One and Two) *ON HOLD/SLOW UPDATES*Where stories live. Discover now