Part Two: Chapter Twenty Three (Coke, Coke, and More Coke)

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*If you skip the authors note at the end, I'm not held responsible for delaying the stories. Read it or hold everybody else up, it's your choice.*

"It's the flu." I sighed, relieved. "But since she's had meningitis before, she's more susceptible to harsher effects... We're going to start her on Antibiotics, and keep her here until her fever has broken."


Kinsey was out cold, and Michael took Hanah back to the house, leaving me at the hospital with Alucard.

"Thank you for bringing her here." I was sitting on the opposite end of the couch, so ready to fall asleep.

"If you thought I was just going to ignore her, you're dead wrong." I shook my head.

"I never thought that of you... I'm pissed at myself for not being here for her." A tear leaked out of my eye. "I can't do all this and be a mother at the same time..." I covered my face.

"You've done it for years, Kelsea..."

"Not with drugs..." My face contorted in my hands. "It's too fucking much, being gone three times a week! And getting home..."

"So, talk to Michael-"

"He's the one who sent me on the last... fucking run!" My hand fell away. I got up, going into the bathroom, but he quickly followed me, ignoring my words to leave me alone.

"No, if you're going to break over this, you break in front of me." I didn't have it in me to fight. I sank to the floor, and he sat with me as I just cried it out.

When I was finally out of tears, he handed me some tissues. I wiped away the gross snot from my nose. "Better?" He asked me. I nodded.

"Thanks..." I whispered, my voice hoarse from crying.

"Now, tomorrow when Michael comes back, you're going to tell him, two runs a week. The others are just going to have to suck it up, and do the runs. He can't make you do them while she's sick, so relax." I got up, a little woozy from not drinking any water. "Go sit down." I did and he disappeared for a few minutes, coming back with a plate and a bottle of water. "Eat." It was a baguette, some butter, with ham and cheese. I picked at the food, more focused on the water. Once I could stomach food, I began to eat.

"You don't have to take care of me... You can go home." I said quietly.

"I was here for Kinsey, but you obviously need help more." He replied, taking my empty water bottle, giving me a full one. Once the small plate of food was finished, and I cracked the other bottle open, everything that had happened today finally hit my body, and I was falling asleep. "Go ahead and sleep... They gave her a lot of medication to keep her resting and let her body fight it off." He took my boots off for me, and moved my legs to lay me on the couch.

I passed out within a few moments.


"When's mommy gonna wake up?"

"Soon, baby bird. She got here as fast as she could last night, and you were already asleep."

My body ached and I was cold. I tried to pull myself up, but I couldn't will myself to do it. "Kelsea?" I felt his hand on my forehead, which felt icy cold to me. "Shit."


She got the flu, too. The doctors got her in her own room, but Kinsey wasn't having it.

"Honey, you can't be with your mommy, because you could get even more sick." The nurse tried to explain. Kinsey only cried more.

"I have an idea." I brought out the baby monitors with a two way speaker. "Let me go bring this to her, that way you two can talk, okay?" She nodded, accepting it. I brought the other to Kelsea's room, which was only a short walk down, and the monitors worked up to 75 meters.

Kelsea was out cold, hooked up to her own anti-virals, and cold saline. I left the monitor on her bedside, and went back to Kinsey.

"She's asleep, but when she wakes up, you can talk to her, okay?" Michael dropped off Hanah to look after her and I went back to Kelsea's room. She was out for a few hours before she came to, delirious.

Kinsey recovered quicker than Kelsea, and was sent back to the house. Kelsea still had a fever three days after Kinsey went home, which was after five days.

"Go home..." She croaked, as I handed her a cup of soup.


"I'm not hungry."

"You haven't eaten much in the last eight days."

"I'm not hungry." She repeated herself.

"Until your fever breaks, I'm here with you." I told her, nudging the cup of soup closer to her. She took it, and began to slowly eat.

Another two days, and she was finally free to go home, still on anti-virals for another six days.

She spent every moment with Kinsey, until she had to make her run. I had been storing her money in her safe, making sure it was all there.

"Run is cancelled tonight. Cartel wants us to distribute for a couple of weeks to keep the patrol off our ass. Italy will be delivering for the time being." I grit my teeth, but nodded. "As soon as she's 100% you'll go to Nightingale to sell. No more than a gram per sale."

Six days later, and I was not ready to do such a thing.

Kelsea dressed in a minidress, high heels, and did her makeup. If she wanted to be tempting, she sure as hell was.

"Which car are we taking?" I opened up the garage, revealing the Mercedes. She had a hundred bags in her clutch, and was ready for business.

Down at Nightingale, there was already a line. Since the club was owned by us, we just had to show colors. I showed my ink, and claimed her as my plus one.

By the end of the night, her clutch was full of bills, and not a trace of coke.

"That went quick." We got back in the Mercedes, going back to the house.

"No kidding... and I thought Americans ate up pot quickly." She muttered, taking off her heels.

"Gotta do it again tomorrow. May want to double the load." She groaned, and hissed when she touched raw skin. "Blister?"

"Yes... fucking heels." When we got back, I put some ointment on the back of her heels, and popped some bandaids over the skin. As I came up... I almost wanted to yell, but I was so god damn turned on.

"No panties?" I questioned her. She shrugged, hopping off the counter. "You were at the club all night. With no panties. In that dress."

"And?" And? I cornered her against the linen closet and smashed my lips against hers, muffling the sounds of her surprise.


I wanted to scream at him to get off me, but at the same time, I didn't want him to stop.

"I guess with no panties..." He breathed in my ear, his fingers trailing up my thigh, while the other one went to my throat, "makes it easier to do this..." He pinched the sides, constricting my blood flow, while he toyed with my pussy, two fingers slipping inside while his thumb circled my over-sensitive clit.

"Fuck..." I moaned out, and he relaxed his grip.

"Tell me, does anyone make you like this? Or is it just me?" He brought his other hand to my lips, trailing it down my chin.

"No..." I whispered, looking him in the eyes. "Just you."

Boom. 💁🏻‍♀️

No scheduled updates. Starting a new job soon, dunno my hours yet, all I know is that it's 40+ and college starts up on the 19th. I WILL BE BUSY!

Again, nobody likes a beggar or complainers. I'll update when I can. Anyone pestering for updates delays the release by 1 week!

Chaotic Shadows and the 300 MC (Book One and Two) *ON HOLD/SLOW UPDATES*Where stories live. Discover now