Part Two: Chapter Twenty Two (Dead Bodies)

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"You're going to talk to me eventually." I made breakfast for Kinsey, sliding a pancake on her plate.

"Nope." I made another three for myself, and ignored him.

"Why are you being so hard-headed?!"

"Why are you being so fucking nosy?!" I repeated in a mock tone. He shouted in frustration. I sat beside Kins with my food. Eat up. We're going out today. She prodded her food. Kins. I tapped the table to get her attention. She looked at me, her face sullen. Eat. Don't play with your food.

I'm not hungry. She didn't even have a big plate. I sighed, and lost my appetite.

"What, you're not going to eat now?" I just passed him my plate, and beckoned for Kinsey to follow me.

I put her hearing aids on, and put makeup on her face to cover the nasty bruise.

"There, all better... for right now." She looked surprised that the bruise was gone.

"You made it go away!" She grinned. I chuckled, kissing her forehead.

"It's only going to cover it, until it goes away on it's own. But, I made it disappear for now." She got dressed, and I went to go claim the cage keys, finding Alucard speaking with Michael.

"You're not going anywhere." Michael stopped me. "What you did-"

"What I did? Please, Michael, tell me what was wrong with what I did?" I crossed my arms. "That bitch has the nerve to act up. You told her, after I told you, if she stepped one foot out of line, I'd be the one to mess her shit up." He narrowed his eyes at me. "She backhanded my daughter, after disobeying TWO direct orders, to stay away from her, and to leave the house. So, please tell me what I did wrong." I waited. He said nothing. "Would you have done the same thing, had the roles been reversed?"

"I wouldn't have killed her!"

"That woman deserved death!" I hissed. "Abandoned her Club, her daughter, and then turned on Kinsey and ASSAULTED her! I think that's punishable by death."

"Enough." Alucard stepped between us.

"You don't make the rules as the table, Princess. We have these laws in place for a reason!"

"Then why didn't she follow them? Why didn't she get punished?! Oh, wait... She was just sucking your dick-"

"Finish that sentence, I will make sure you never ride again." Michael said lowly.

"Truth hurts, doesn't it?" I said in as low as a voice as he did. "Next time, reign your bitch in." I grabbed the keys to the cage, and walked away with Kinsey.

"Kelsea!" Alucard came after me.

"I'm not speaking to you, either." I didn't stop to turn around.

"Stop acting like a fucking queen for one god damn moment and listen to me!" I stopped, my blood boiling. "You think I'm defending him? I'm not. But you didn't have to fucking kill her!"

"Then you're defending him, and her." I hissed, and walked forward.

"I fucking love you and Kinsey! Why do you think for one second I would condone her doing what she did?!" I kept walking, not saying anything. "If you get in that car, we're finished!" I stopped for a moment, and looked back.

"And I don't do ultimatums." I walked to the Escalade, and put Kinsey in her seat. Getting into the SUV, I drove her into the city, and took her out for a girls day.


An entire wardrobe for the both of us later, we went back to the house. I unpacked her items, and went back to my room.

Chaotic Shadows and the 300 MC (Book One and Two) *ON HOLD/SLOW UPDATES*Where stories live. Discover now