Part Two: Chapter Twenty Five (Fuck Me Running...)

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She had been distant. So damn distant.

I tried everything to try to anchor her back down. Nothing worked.

At the appointment, she tried to go alone. Like hell I was letting her.

"Hello, Ms. Howard." The Doctor greeted her. "It seems you are expecting?"

"Yes." She answered his questions quietly and as quickly as possible.

When the doctor pulled out the sonogram machine, that's when the reality changed. For the both of us.

"Well... there's not one fetus... there's two!" The room was so silent, you could hear a pin drop. "By the looks of it, you're about nine weeks in." Nothing was said. "I take it this was unplanned?"

"Very..." She didn't say anything.

"Well... would you like to discuss-"

"No." Kelsea's voice shook. "No, we don't need to discuss them." She wiped the gel off her stomach and ran out, probably to go stick her head in the toilet.

"Well..." He looked to me. "I'll leave you with these, then... The receptionist can handle the appointments. Make sure she takes one of these a day." He pointed to the prescription. I went to go find her, which wasn't hard. My gut was right. She was in the bathroom, puking.

"Excuse me, ma'am, do you mind checking to see if anybody else is in there?" I asked one of the nurses passing by. She looked, and shook her head. I went in, finding her stall, and heard sobs come from her lips.

She wasn't going to be able to do this. Not with all the emotional and physical trauma she endured the first time.

"Kels..." She shook her head. "You don't have to do this..."

"I can't... I can't choose." I took some toilet paper from the roll, handing it to her so she would wipe her mouth off.

"Mi amor, nobody is making you." I rubbed her back. "If you want to do this, you can, and you have plenty of help. If you don't, you have support behind you. It's still early, and you know I won't resent your decision either way." It took her a few minutes to steady her breathing.

"I want to go home."



Time was running out on the decision. A part of me had already bonded with the little beings inside me, but a part of me was dying on the inside at the thought of failing everybody, including them.

I had pulled myself out of bed on the nights I was supposed to manage the books, spending maybe four hours with Kinsey, and slept the rest of the time.

"Kelsea..." Alucard sat beside me, hand on my leg. "You have to eat, amor." I was nauseated and unable to hold anything down.

"I'm not hungry, Alucard..."

"I know you are. But you're up here crying and throwing up whenever you're not pulling yourself out of bed. You've lost weight." I closed my eyes. "I made some tortilla soup... Please, come eat." My stomach growled and tumbled at the same time. "I'll see if any of the ladies have some chocolate around..." My hunger and cravings got the better of me. "Atta Girl..." He wrapped an arm around my waist and walked with me downstairs.

"There she is..." The entire table and prospects were sitting, enjoying dinner.

"Here. I'll bring you a bowl." He pulled a chair out for me, and pushed me in. I felt the stares of everyone on my back, and it made me feel worse.

"You feeling alright, Mama Bear?" Bête came behind me, hand on my shoulder. I didn't answer. I couldn't answer. "We aren't mad at you, if you think that."

"I don't want to talk about it, Bête." He laid off, as did everyone else. I ate in silence, my stomach holding down the food. After everyone finished with Dinner, we went out to the yard, a bonfire going, and the kids out playing.

"Here, it's good for the blood circulation." Matilda brought me a quarter glass of red wine.  My stomach churned at the smell of the wine and I quickly handed it back to her. "Or not."

"Sorry... it smells disgusting." She pat my shoulder, and left me alone. Alucard was sitting with the table, discussing something, and I was no longer allowed in on club affairs.

That's what happens when you can't ride. No patch, no vote.

Soon enough, Alucard came back, sitting beside me.

"I'm going on one run a week. We have more than enough saved to tide us over for a long time." I nodded, not having the words to speak. "I'm also having us a house built on the property. Half a kilometer down." I looked at him, stunned.

"Are... Are you serious?"

"Indeed so." He nodded. "If we're going to have our own children, I want my own space." Tears flooded my eyes. It wasn't until Kinsey was eight months old that Shadow and I got our first place.

He wanted this done ASAP.

"I also want you as far away from this shit as you can possibly be." I was at a complete loss for words. "Michael has a feeling shit is going to go down, and he isn't going to risk you or Kinsey." I knew there was a catch. "And you're going to start taking care of yourself. If you're keeping my babies, you're not going to starve yourself." I made no promise to that. These moochers were picky. I was lucky to even keep the soup down from earlier.

"Can't promise that. They have minds of their own and if they don't want something, well..."

"I understand, which is why I'm taking you to the store to go pick out all the food you want, and nobody will lay a hand on it." I coughed out a laugh. "I know I can't tell you what to do, because you're too damn stubborn to listen, but I don't want you at the table, period, after this." I looked down at my stomach, which was finally showing.

"You know I'm not going to stay away forever, and it's always going to be that way."

"No, but an Ol' man can dream." He sighed, rubbing my belly.

"Keep dreaming."

No scheduled update. Don't beg. I've been through hell, and spent my Thanksgiving alone. Semester is almost over, scheduled for 4 classes next semester. Powering through this degree.

I'm working on stuff for Radish as of right now, which takes priority in my writing. Gotta make money somehow, right?

Happy thanksgiving.

Chaotic Shadows and the 300 MC (Book One and Two) *ON HOLD/SLOW UPDATES*Where stories live. Discover now