V - Damn Allergies

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Already a month in, Monster and Valkyrie were back on the crank. I think Bones was back on it, too, but I didn't care at this point.

There was a party going on today and the Friday Night bitches we're doing lines and giving the guys blowjobs.

I was sitting at the bar and downing a drink. Christian was pushing some pot around at a school function and I refused to go.

"Hey sweetheart. Why you over here all by your lonesome?" A burly, older looking man came up to me, sporting a 300 San Antonio patch.

"Please, leave me alone. I'm not a sweetbutt." I said, annoyed and bored.

"You ain't wearing a patch, no guy around..." His arm slid around my waist. I slapped his arm away.

"I said back off! Don't make me get-" he pulled me off the chair and tried to kiss me. I gut punched him, then knocked him square in the jaw. "You stupid shithead, what part of NO do you not fucking understand?!" I shouted at him. It suddenly went silent. "I'm not dressed like a stupid sweetbutt and no means no!"

"You stupid bitch!" I flipped my knife open, pressing it to his throat.

"Call me that again, I fucking dare you." I hissed lowly.

"Mark, back the fuck off her before Bones has your dick mounted on his wall for trying to fuck his daughter." T-Bone called him off. His face immediately dropped and he looked like he just shit his pants. I pressed the knife closer before taking it away and got up. "Back to your own business, everyone." T-Bone grabbed my arm. "Go put your fucking patch on." I rolled my eyes and went to my room, grabbing my hoodie, and decided to go take a walk. I grabbed my headphones, my phone, and opened my window, going out my secret way.


It was about midnight when I was stopped by Sheriff Holdings.

"Bones called and said you weren't at the compound." He decided to walk beside me. "Care to tell me why you're wondering past curfew?"

"Party at the clubhouse... Tired of being eye candy."

"Look, your father is worried. Let me take you back-"

"I'll go back when I'm ready, Brad." I told him, borderline snapping at him. "God knows how much blow they're doing right now." I muttered.

"Wait, they're back into-"

"Cartel didn't give us a choice." I said quietly. "I haven't gone near the shit, but I can't stand what the club has become." He cursed under his breath. He couldn't do anything if he didn't want the extra cash.

"What are they into now?"

"Blow, heroin, meth... anything you could imagine." I rolled my eyes. "The pot, however, ain't that big a deal. Pot never hurt anyone."

"Agreed, but for fucks sake, hard shit again?"

"Cartel would put a hit on our head if we didn't deliver and mule." He fell silent. "Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to spend the rest of my night in solitude with my music. I'll be home before three." I popped my earbud back in and let the soothing sound of MCR take over until it switched back over to classic music like Pat Benetar, Joan Jett..

I was walking down the street and found myself staring at three Los Locos, dealing on our turf. I casually hid, taking out my earbuds, and listened in. My Spanish was flawless, thanks not to school, but rather my brains ability to pick it up.

Chaotic Shadows and the 300 MC (Book One and Two) *ON HOLD/SLOW UPDATES*Where stories live. Discover now