Chapter 21

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Jessica's POV

It's still five in the morning I wonder If harry's home yet. I now have a key to his apartment and he has a key to mine also .I slide off the couch open my door then unlock his . I don't see anyone but then I hear a groan from the room when I open the door there harry lays with a beer bottle in his hand , tossed around tangled in the covers but worst of all he reeks of cigarettes .

"Harry up now ." I softly shake his shoulder but his hand pushes me away .I grab the sheets and yank them off of his long body finally  his eyes shudder open ." WHAT THE FUCK ".I smile and point to the shower ."Harry you smell really bad " .

I tell him to wash up assuming he won't be going to school considering how hung over  he is and head out because obviously I have no interest in babying a drunk man .I hope into my car and put in my new CD of Coldplay and head over to do to work .Being  a waitress at a restaurant may seem easy but man can it be stressful some costumers are the most unpatient people I have ever seen .I stayed two hours more than what I should have but it's whatever as long as I don't have to deal with Harry nagging because of his wasted self .I finally arrive home just as the sun sets and jump into the soft cold bed that awaits me .I instantly drift into a heavy sleep again.


short chapter once again sorry guys but hey GUESSSS what NO SCHOOL yay so I promise for more updates

          Love yuh xx

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