chapter 10

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" Hey Zayn how was your date " I ask .

"Uh It was really good Um so did you go to Barnes And Nobles again " he teases .

"hah no I actually when to the Movies with Harry " I smile.

"Jess I would be careful about liking him he's a player " worry is obvious on his face .

" Well last night he was pretty nice to me " I disagree with him." I know all I'm saying is to be careful your to nice to be with a asshole like him ".I laugh nodding but he makes me pinky promise like a five year old.

On my way to class I spot Niall's eyes on Harry but I walk straight to class seeing Perrie has already taken me spot I sit close but I shift my back against the wall and plug my earphones into my phone then pull my hood slightly over my head. Zayn's words keep replaying in my head Jess be careful about liking him he's a player.The seat next to me scoots up and a pair of white converse lay under the table , although I already know who it is I look anyway and a big cheeky smile is on Harry's angelic face.

I look down for the rest of the class listening to the professor but mainly listening to the music. When the bell rings I get my bag and walkout in the middle of the hall a big hand grabs my arm when I turn around  as I though it's harry. I smile.

" Uh I kinda have to go to class you know " he frowns. " I just wanted to see if you were alright ,You seemed very quiet today " I nod my head and say of course ." Now can  I go to class or do I have to  wait longer cause my arm is hurting a little " and he let's go .I wave to him and he smiles.

Finally school ends and I'm free to go I rush out of school but a pair of hands shove me to the concrete. When I try to get up  something kicks my stomach and I gasp air collapsing on the ground again. A  hand grips the frond of my shirt and a sting of pain is sent across my cheek and then a punch to my face .I feel blood on my eyebrow from a cut .

" This is payback from what your little shit boyfriend did to me , I would hide it if I were you , You look ugly " I recognize Niall's voice and a group of feet fade away.When I finally get the strength to stand I keep my hood on and my head low and the tears start to run again.It felt exactly like the day my dad punched and slapped me. A fumble with my key until I finally get it in .

The bathroom mirror makes my cuts visible and I look into my cabinet for the peroxide and dab my cut down even though the sting is barely bearable I still clean it and then put concealer over it. I walk out and grab my nook to plot down on the couch but it sends a flash of pain through my stomach .I take a pain killer and finally fall asleep again .

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