chapter 17

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hello guys I've been writing a new story but I'm trying to finish this one so here goes another chapter . ___________________

Harry's POV

Jess looks so peaceful sleeping. It's now 7:00 am. Her body twitches and she brings her fisted hands up to her face rubbing her eyes .The sun hitting her eyes makes her eyes appear honey brown .

"Morning beautiful ," I bend down and place a kiss on her nose.She smiles and get's up walking to her room .

" I'll be back " says Jess .

"Where are you going? "

"To get ready obviously ," closing her door she comes out a minute later dressed in a California republic shirt ,light jeans ,and maroon vans .We get into her car and drive to Starbuck's.

"Uh ,I'll have a caramel Frappuccino . What do you want Harry ?" I just shrug my shoulders .

"Two actually please ." She pulls her wallet out and hands the lady a ten .The girl isn't even paying attention ,practically drooling at me ,fucking rude idiot .

"So what do you wanna do today ," I ask .

"It's up to you ."Jess says.

" How about we rent a bunch of movies and be lazy ," I wiggle my eyebrows so she laughs nodding her head .   


short chapter today I can't wait till school is over .Then I wil ldefinetly update more LOVE YOU GUYS

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