Chapter 6

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Maybe I should wave or say hello ,what's up or how's it goin gosh I sound ridiculous ,I roll me eyes at myself and take in a breathe stick my hand up and say hi in a low voice. The only thing was that he looked but didn't say anything back instead he and Louis look and laugh , they probably just didn't hear me or something it hurts though only because my stupid self has to be all ' ooo like it's that hot guy Harry Styles let's get sweaty hands and get really nervous so you look dumb'. I turn and shove my earphones into my ears turning it up loud so I won't be able to hear anything. The walk to Barnes and Nobles wasn't far which I am totally thankful for. I read Divergent by Veronica Roth , for about half an hour and decide to purchase it with my birthday gift card .

"Damn it " I quietly curse at myself because the sun has already went down. I hope I make it home , walking all the way home I can't shrug off the feeling of someone following me. Right as I turn into the pathway the leads me to my home a rough arm tugs at me sending pain that shoots up my arm . I try to shake free, run , scream everything but this person is to strong and they have a firm hand placed over my mouth .

"Wow , you sure are a beauty aren't yah sweetie ,I've been waiting to get my hands on you " the voice says to me. I wish I knew who this guy was. Tears are already tumbling down my cheeks while sobs threaten to leave my mouth. I try to ask questions but the only thing that can be heard are mumbles. I see a streak of light flash across his face and I now know how it is , Niall.

hahaha don't you just love cliff hangers , the most beautiful thing , I'll do a update later again due to my lack of updating this past weekend .

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