chapter 23

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I sat by myself Harry in the kitchen making popcorn . My phone buzzes from under my leg . I uncover the screen Mom is shining at the top .

Mom: Hey honey how are you ?

Me : I'm fine mom how are you ?

Mom: Fine honey , I just wanted to hear your voice . It's been so long .

Me:  I know I've missed you .

Mom: I know sweety Lydia ma-   jess who was that ?

Me: oh that was just Harry … um my boyfriend .

Mom : Oooh how wonderfulI just have to meet him . Alright well tell him I said Hi . I love you Jess bye

Me: too mom bye .

        " Who was that Jess ?" I glance st him as he walks toward me with a bowl of popcorn shirtless mymymy . " That was my mother she said Hi . She also said she wants to meet you ." He noddd and sits down on the couch putting his head on my lap . I unpause the movie and it begins ." Harry How would you feel about ,meeting my mother ?" His emerald shining eyes meet mine ." That would be great Jessica?" I cringe af my full given name . Ugh , I hate it it's to long .

          I smile down at him ruffling his messy hair even more . He leans his arms up jumping on top of me and smothering my face with cute but wet kisses. " HARRY EWW STOP." I can't help but laugh . My hands brush aganst his body . Lord does this drive me crazy . Harry Begins to nip at the sensitive skin just under my jaw causing a groan to escape my lips . I blush at my actions but before I can stop his arms support me as he leads me up stairs . His cold hands findind their way under my baggy shirt .


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