chapter 12

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The shock in is eyes makes my feel guilty .His hands go down to my waist and when I flinch he lifts my shirt up only to expose my huge purple bruise ,I hadn't even realized that is was that bad . His fists connects with the brick wall next to my when he tries to do it again I grab hic right wrist and shake my head . The fury in his eyes is something I've never seen before and It's scaring the shit out of me .

We both walk into my apartment and sit on the couch ,I don't know  what to say every time I try nothing comes out . but finally I collect  my thoughts and start to speak .

" I'm so sorry I didn't say anything harry ,I just didn't want you to do anything stupid "

" Really Jess because this is not stupid you fucking standing her with cuts and bruises and you didn't say anything ,who did this was It Niall or Louis because if it was I swear I will fucking kill them !" Anger is over boiling throughout his body and he is shaking .

" Harry this is  exactly why I didn't tell you please don't do anything " tears are already spilling over my eyes ,I've never seen him this furious before .

" So it was him huh I fucking knew it Jess I'll be back lock this damn door " I stand in front of the door fearing that Niall will come back again .

"Please don't leave me Harry "  wrap me arms around him and bury my face into his chest .

Harry's POV

" Please don't leave me harry " she says more tears filling her beautiful eyes when she wraps her small arms around me and I pull her closer to me .

I close the front door and she leads me up to her room .she obviously needs to rest the bags under her eyes say that all this pain isn't helping very much. I pull the blanket over us and she gets closer to my chest .

Most girls just leave after we're done so I don't really know what to do. Her breathing calms me down a bit ,I swear when I find that fucking ignorant bastard I'm gonna rip him apart.... but she'll be so mad at me .All this thinking gives me a headache ,I close my eyes and fall asleep .

Jess keeps squirming under me and something wet falls on my wrist .When I open my eyes and glance at the clock it's 3:25 am and tears fall from her eyes.My hand shakes her awake ,her beautiful eyes open and she starts babbling on about some guy and how she was sorry with a mixture of crying .

" Jess was is it, tell me " she nods her head making her curls bounce around.

" Just don't tell anyone , well a few years ago when my dad was living with us , he would always come home drunk every night and then in the mornings he would leave again , we all tried to stop him but he never listened. One night when he came my parents were fighting and I got sick of it. I yelled at him a lot and told him really mean things and hit him in the stomach.Then he hit me and I don't really remember much but I fell and yeah. every night I get the same nightmare it happens over and over again except this time he did it to my sister ".She takes in  a deep breath .

"I'm sorry that happened" she nods her head.We lay down again "I feel safe here with you though ,thanks for staying " Jess says.

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