chapter 3

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I wake up in the morning exhausted, I wish harry didn't wake me up but then I'm kind of glad I at least got to learn him name. I hurry throw on a shirt printed with Paramore on the front with skinny jeans and black converse, I apply very little make up as usual not wanting to look like a  clown on my first day. I hope harry isn't attending this school I hate him, he probably dropped out of high school freshman year. Laughing at my own mean thought I grab my bag and lock the door .

As I start walking to the bus stop I see two boys in a Chevy Camero waiting outside the driveway. Despite their heavy amount of tattoos the aren't that bad looking.One has blonde hair a simple white shirt and is wearing rayban's, the other has shorter brown hair and probably a birthmark or hickey on his neck. They both look my way causing me to walk faster.The bus ride was long and I also had to skip breakfast. I got to class about five minutes early and the classroom started to flood with students walking in. A boy with dark brown hair pushed up set his books down on the desk .

He turned his attention over to me sticking his hand out and saying " Hey ,I'm Zayn"

"I'm Jess" I nicely respond my hand meeting his " nice to meet you ".

"You too" he says.

We both turn our attention to the front room when the  professor walks in and says " Hello everyone I hope you all didn't get to caught up in your conversations because we are starting class now, and we also have a knew student named Jessica Johnson ".

Everyone looks at me so I slightly lift my hand into a salute wave " hi " and look back down at my books . I never like attention at all to me it was actually embarrassing though a lot of girls seem to like it ,I thought I was annoying like , why are you looking at me is there something on my face, is there a reason why you are looking at me , did I do something to you .

The door opens and when I look up I find Harry walking to a seat in the back of the room . Just great I thought this day was going to be good but he has to walk in . I look back realizing that he is looking at me, Gosh if he stares any longer I'm going to have a hole in the back of me head, I think to myself smiling .

First period wasn't as long as I expected it to be but when the bell rings Harry is the first one to angrily storm out of the room. I say bye to Zayn and head the opposite way down the hallway. Class was such a blur ,I couldn't even focus everything would lead to harry walking in and looking at mE then storming out of the room faster than I could.

After class I end up missing the bus so I'm forced to walk home. I attach my earphones to my ears and hit shuffle . I hear the screeching of brakes and see headlights I turn around to find Harry in the drivers seat .

"Hey Jess need a ride" he asks sunglasses covering his eyes .

"Umm ,from you no thanks " I say.

"Oh come on you wouldn't wanna be caught on these streets in the evening ,you could be raped " he sarcastically replies with a grin on his pink lips .I bite at my cheek ,nod my head and get inside his car .

"Umm so we're having a party at Niall's frat house you wanna come "Harry asks.

" No thanks I've got a lot of homework to do " I sigh .I have never really been the one to go to a party in my life .

"Oh come on you actually do that work , don't be such a bore come to the party .You'll meet a lot of people there and some will be drunk so it will be a lot of fun" I look at him stunned at his words .

"well I'm not the kind of girl who drinks and loses my virginity at a party " I say angered at his words .

" Are you seriously saying that you're still a virgin " Harry mockingly jokes hitting my sensitive spot .

"Yeah I am Sorry I'm not a slut like the rest of the girls you fuck " I say when he pulls into the parking lot .I slam the door shut and walk into my apartment , crying .

 I don't know how to dothe whole adding another page thingy aah im so know at this so if you could help me out a little bit that would be great . thanks :)

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