Acquaintance - Arranged Marriage (Part 3)

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A/N: I'm back, missed me ? Anyways here's the much awaited update. Hope you all enjoy ! Please be sure to comment and vote. Much love .xx

"So what's the plan for today ?" I asked as I sat beside him. "Well, we can go out for dinner today and then do whatever after that so we can get to know each other better" he said and sat straight up. "Sounds like a plan" I smiled. "Great ! Then I'll be back at 7 to pick you up" he said as he got up to leave and closed the door behind him. "Bye" I said as he closed the door.

It's currently 4:30pm here in Paris so I don't have much time till Justin is back to pick me up. I got into the shower and did my routine. Once I was done, I decided to do my makeup first, then hair and finally dress up. I went for subtle warm tones on my eyes and finished the look off with red lipstick. I curled my hair into tight curls as I was later going to run my fingers through them to make them have a softer look. Once I was finally done, I zipped open my suitcase to get my red dress. (Picture)

This should be fine for our date I thought to myself as I looked at myself in the mirror. Right ? I hate that I don't have anyone else with me right now to give me a second opinion. I did a small twirl in my mud black heels and told myself in the mirror "Don't let your insecurities put you down." I sprayed on some perfume and of course had to do a shimmy into it as well.

It was currently 6:30 pm and to my surprise, this was probably the earliest I've ever been ready for anything in my life. I put on my gold Cartier love bracelets so my hands didn't look bare. I looked at myself in the mirror and just thought to myself "Damn, I look good" #selflovefirst. I smiled to myself and then lied back on the bed engrossed with my phone. You're probably wondering why I'm wasting time when I could clean and tidy up my room in the half hour that I have, but I have an OCD issue so I have to put my stuff away immediately after using it.

I scrolled through Instagram and went through the explore page as I enjoy seeing new, and different posts rather than the same thing on my timeline. I came across a Jelena fan account which had a picture of Selena walking in Paris that captured my attention. "What could she be doing here ?" I thought, until I was interrupted by a knocking on my door. I opened the door to be face to face with Justin again. "Wow, I think this is the first that a girl is ready on time" he said as he took in my appearance by eyeing me from head to toe.

I blushed as I could feel his stare on my legs and my breasts. I shifted my weight onto my other leg and turned my gaze to his to make eye contact. "Sooo where are we off to ?" I questioned. I stepped out of my room and locked the door behind me as I lead the way downstairs to the lobby with Justin behind me.

We came down to the lobby and by now Justin had caught up with me with his hand on my lower back. He guided me through the flashing lights and the screams of fans into his G63 that was parked in the front. He opened the door of the passenger side for me and shut it close after I got inside to quickly run over to the drivers side so we could avoid the chaos. I could already see the headline of newspapers and magazines about us. Am I ready to live a chaotic life of flashing lights and questions being thrown at me by strangers, well, I guess Justin's going to have to help me get used to that...

After we managed to drive off and the chaos had calmed down, I broke the silence that had filled the car. "You still never answer my question." He turned to give me a quick glance and then his eyes were back on the road. "My bad but it's a surprise" he said and pulled out a blindfold from the compartment on the side of his door. "Are you kidding me ? As much as I love surprises, I also had them" I said annoyed. "And why's that ?" He asked curiously. I took the blindfold from his hand and slipped it on.

"Because now that you told me it's a surprise, I'm really eager and you should know I'm a really impatient person" I said and crossed my arms over my chest. "Oh I see, well, no worries because we'll be there in a few" I could feel him take a quick glance at me even though I couldn't see. "If you say so" I huffed. He turned up the volume of the radio and decided to let the music fill the silence.

The car finally came to a halt, "Okay we're finally here" he said and looked back at me. "Can I take off the blindfold ?" I asked. "Nope not just yet but I can lead you the way" he said. "Okay then", he jumped out of the car and came around to open my door. I felt a pair of arms go around my back and under my legs, "Oh my, Justin what are you doing ! I could have gotten down myself" I said once he put me back on the ground. "And risk you falling, and possibly injuring yourself ? No way." He said. He grabbed my hand in his and lead the way for 7 meters.

When he stopped walking, I came to a halt. He let go of my hand and I instantly missed his hand in mine. He slowly lifted the blindfold from my eyes, "And open now" he whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes to find myself standing in front of the Eiffel Tower. "OMG JUSTIN ! You brought me for dinner at the Eiffel Tower ? This is amazing !" I screamed and jumped in my heels. "Surprise !" he said and pulled me in for a hug. "I'm glad you like it now lets go to the top" he held my hand in his once again and pulled me with him. "Like it ? I absolutely love it ! I've never done anything in my whole life as special as this" I said.

"You deserve to feel special" he smiled back at me. I think my heart just melted oh my. We took the elevator to the second floor, the whole restaurant was empty. Did this boy actually rent out the whole restaurant for the night ? I was feeling glad that so far no one had recognised us, I was not in the mood to capture anyone's attention. Their was one table that stood out from the rest as it was the only one that was lit up and had roses around it. So romantic I could cry.

He pulled out my chair for me and helped me get seated then got to the opposite side of the table to seat himself. "So what would you like to have tonight ?" He asked. "Anything, I don't mind. Surprise me" I smirked. He ordered chicken Alfredo pasta for both of us and a bottle of champagne. We didn't go in depth about ourselves during the date but just got to know about the basics that we hadn't already known about one another.

After dinner we walked hand-in-hand once again back to the car, he closed my door behind me and as he was coming around to the drivers seat his phone started ringing. "Hello ?" He answered as he got into the car. "Yeah sure...In half an hour...Okay bye" he ended the call. He didn't say a word to me after ending the call and drove back to the hotel in silence.  He stopped the car at the entrance and turned to look at me "I know we discussed at dinner that we could do something else tonight after that but something came up and I have to go." "Ohh what happened ? Is something wrong ?" I questioned worriedly.

"Nope nothing is wrong I'm just meeting with a friend after so-" he spoke but I cut him off "Selena ?" I asked annoyed. Him being silent was enough to answer my question, "To think that everything was going to be fine and that you were a great guy willing to move on..." I sighed. "Thanks for a great night while it lasted but to be honest, what you're doing right now is a real asshole move. Goodnight !" I said lastly and shut the door, I stormed through the lobby and quickly waiting for the elevator to go to my room. Just as Justin could come through the lobby to catch up with me, the elevator doors had already shut close. Way to go for the first date. Ditching the future wife for an ex-girlfriend.

A/N: Thank you guys so so much for an amazing year ! I can't believe how far this book has come to, your love and support means so much to me. Happy New Year to you all ! I hope this is yet another amazing year for all of us, may it be filled with nothing but happiness and success. Much love guys and hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please don't forget to comment and vote .xx

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