Best Friend - Hate & 25 min girlfriend (Part 3)

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Warning : Mention of self harm and emotional chapter. (I added my bubbly taste to it towards the end) Enjoy !

"Excuse me" I wiped my mouth with a nearby serviette. "You heard me" he raised an eyebrow. "Boy I think you going through some mid life crisis and you need help. Like serious help" I said, taking a bite from my cheese toast.

"I don't need help" he said plainly. "Justin, you can't keep on playing between girls" I finished off and put the dishes into the sink. "Who said I'm playing between girls ?" He followed behind me. "Look Justin, you can't just eff some girl and just leave her to stare at me half naked, plus call me hot after slapping me yesterday and may I mention again that you called me a bitch" I stopped in my tracks of walking up the staircase.

"That my friend is so not on" I crossed my arms over my chest. "Y/N I'm really sorry okay, I was frustrated and really annoyed yesterday" he cooed. "And it gave you what reason to throw your anger at me ?" The room was silent. "I really am disappointed with you, I thought you changed for the better, I was so proud and happy for the new Justin, but I guess not. You went back to your old habits of going out with different girls, plus going nude again and -"

"You're not the boss of me and nor do you control my life" he said sternly walking closer towards me. "Please do tell me when did I say that ? I care for you Justin, I really do. I just want you to be happy, as a best-" I stayed silent not bothering to continue. He's not my best friend anymore. Why do I care ? Why am I still here ?

My mind zoned out to think about all my insecurities and imperfections that I deal with everyday. I can cry for hours - Justin never knew - but I never dared to self harm. Tears dared to spill. I whimpered, that's when I broke down and ran straight to my room.

I slid down against the door and held my knees. Why would Justin want to be friends with a loser like me ? That's why he left me...just like everyone else. I'm so worthless. "Y/N open the door" he yelled and attempted to open the door. "Open the door now. Please Y/N just open" he banged on the door.

"Why would you want to be around a worthless person like me ?" I whimpered. I got up from sitting on the floor and packed all that I needed, holding the bag close to me. I unlocked the door to be face-to-face with Justin again. "Y/N don't do that to me. Please" he pulled me in a tight hug. I pushed him away.

"I'm not okay right now. A lot of thoughts hit me and Justin... I think I should let you be on your own. You don't need me, I'm not wanted around here and clearly I'm not your type anyways" I said bluntly. My words probably cut him like knives, but it's true.

"What. Wait" he caught hold of my hand pulling me back. "I think we both need to move on and go our separate ways. In all honesty I never thought I would say this to you, but I loved you, I really did and I thought I had a chance" I lightly laughed and caused a tear to fall. "I guess I thought wrong because you wouldn't date a bitch. Sofia is good for you. I thought I was being a good best friend and helping out, but that's all long gone now. Enjoy the rest of your life Justin" I pulled my wrist away and walked down the stairs.

He was speechless and so I thought..."Where are you going ?" He shouted from the top of the staircase. "To Cameron. Someone who will actually appreciate me. I'll come by for my stuff some other time" I said lastly and slipped on my sunglasses.

I gave Cameron a call on the way that he should pick me up from my apartment. I drove back to my apartment and packed away my clothes that I could manage to fit into my bag.

My phone was ringing and I could hear Cameron rev the car outside. I grabbed my purse and made sure to lock my apartment. Walking to the driveway I spot Cameron in a .... wait Ferrari ? "And who might this dashing young gentleman be ?" I asked as he walked around the car to open my door. I pulled him in a tight hug with him spinning me around.

"The name is Cameron Dallas, but you can call me Cam my fair lady" he put me back down. I took a seat and he closed my door, running around to his side. I kissed his cheek, "Honestly Cam what is all of this ? I've clearly been living under a rock if I missed the fact that you bought a Ferrari." This is what happens when theirs too much of drama on your hands.

He took off and damn this car is truly amazing. "Well not entirely mine. Something like that" he grinned and took a quick glance at me. "Ooh early birthday present I'm guessing ?" I questioned. "A friend decided to let me borrow their Ferrari as a birthday present, so I thought it would be great if we could go out because I didn't see you in so long anyways" he pouted. "Might I add my queen is looking gorgeous on this fine night." The heat rushed to my cheeks damn.

"Says the handsome gentleman...Do tell me where we're going ?" A night without Justin is what I need. Ugh why am I thinking about him. "Well I can't tell you because that wouldn't be a surprise now would it" he said. "But you didn't mention anything about a surprise" I whined. I love/hate surprises because I'm an impatient person.

{A/N: I apologise that I don't know much about America bc I've only been to NYC and Orlando. So I did research for a fancy restaurant in LA just saying}

We pulled up to the building - Cameron got out and opened my door - he handed the keys to a staff member to park the car. Arm in arm we walked in the building and took the elevator to the roof top. The elevator doors opened and a sign read Perch. The view was absolutely breath taking as it was an open roof top and soft romantic music was played in the background. "Oh my god Cam this is so beautiful and amazing...You honestly didn't have to" I said pulling him into a hug.

"Reservation for Dallas" he said to the lady over the counter. "Ahh yes, table for four. Right this way sir" she smiled as we followed behind her. Table for 4 ? Cameron didn't mention anyone joining us.

He pulled my chair for me, waited for me to sit and then say next to me. The two open seats were in front of us for guests. "Uhm Cam I'm sorry, but may I ask for who are the 2 other seats vacant for ?" I questioned anxiously. "Ohh you'll see" he smirked and kept his gaze at the menu. What is going on ? I brush it off and skimmed through the menu.

"Hey Cameron mah man. It's good to finally meet you"

A/N: I hate when people leave me in suspense, but who do you guys think it is ? Omg I honestly never thought their was going to be a part 4, but I guess their is now. I was on the verge of crying from when I wrote what she told Justin. Be sure to vote and comment as always. Much love babes .xx

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