Dating - Break Up

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(NOTE: This chapter contains swearing and domestic violence. I DO NOT condone this and neither should anyone else. Please read at your own risk. If you ever need someone to talk to, my DMs are always open .xx)

1 Year of a waste of a relationship, with that being my first. I ever regret getting into one in the first place. I expected this to happen anyways...

Every relationship starts off with a couple being what you may call "lovey dovey" at first but then again that all changes when one gets interested in someone else and eventually doesn't give a damn about their spouse. This has been my thoughts about being in a relationship with Justin, am I just one of his side girls  ?

How do I even confront him ? Is the love and emotion even their anymore ? Though I won't let this be the reason I start to stress and be in my depression mode all over again. I need to do this, today...

It was a typical cold day out in Canada though what made today's weather feel different then any other would be the sun peeking out as it warmth my skin. I got out of bed as I did my daily morning routine and got dressed. I dressed into a burgundy sweater along with a pair of black leather trousers and a pair of black ankle boots.

Justin had left an early part of the morning as I didn't bother as of now, anymore because I bet he would be pleased to hear that I shall be leaving by today.

I prepared myself a bowl of cereal and along with that made myself a smoothie. Once I was done eating I did the dishes quickly and placed them where they had belong. Note I was alone in Justin's Parents House since he decided to visit for a few weeks and decided I should come along. I wasn't suspicious about Justin when I approved of coming along with him here. His family was out somewhere and so was Justin. It was only 12:43 PM, what could people find interest into wanting to do something then staying at home and enjoying Netflix ?

Hours, minutes and seconds had passed as I tried to kill time by watching TV and lay beside the fire. Until I was disturbed by the sound of a creeping door, which I glanced to see Justin entering. He left his keys on the kitchen table as I quickly glanced at my phone as if pretending I had not noticed his presence.

"Hey" he said as he sat on the couch opposite me. I didn't reply until a couple seconds I replied plainly "hey."

"What's up ?" He asked trying to start a conversation. Yeah this isn't getting anywhere. "I don't know Justin. You tell me." I replied as we made eye contact for the first time in days. "What do you you mean ?" He asked confused. "What's going on Justin ?" I asked as I folded my arms across my chest. "Excuse me" he asked still confused. "Okay cut the crap Justin." I said as the room fell silent.

"What the hell are you talking about ?" he asked as he stood up trying to defend himself. "How about you take a seat since you're so blunt and let me tell you" I said as I was the one to stand and he sat on the couch. "First before I say anything I want you to not disrupt me until I'm done, got it ?" I asked as I folded my arms. "Fuck... Okay then, but are you on your period or something ?" he asked. "Oh hell no darling. You probably wish I was right now but I'm perfectly fine." The room fell silent once more.

"Okay so first off I think we both know to the fact that you're cheating. I'm not saying this because I'm jealous or insecure. I've left this thought aside for the past few months, until I took consideration and thought that you are, I mean come on it's obvious" I said as I paced the room and glanced at him as his head looked down in disappointment.

"You've constantly been to clubs, hanging out with girls and getting far to clingy with them but that's not my point. Justin, we've been together for over a year and a half, I don't think a girlfriend is supposed to just be their to be your 'friends with benefits' or just a shoulder to cry on. I thought we got together because we love each other I mean isn't that one of the reasons why people have boyfriend's and girlfriend's ?" I asked as I paced in front of him which looked as if I'm talking to myself.

"What do you have to say for yourself ?" I asked as I whimpered. I took a seat on the couch across from him as I glanced at him to see him looking at me as he stood up. Tears had already crossed the brim of my eyes, I couldn't control my tears, I was broken.

"Fuck this shit. I'm done" he said to me as he started to gather himself and headed towards the door. "Don't you walk away from me. After what I've told you, you have the audacity to just walk away from your problems" I shouted at him as he turned around. He was fuming, the tone of his eyes were darker then usual.

That's when I felt a sting across my cheek. He slapped me. Justin slapped me. "Can you stop being a clingy bitch and get lost already. I've about had it with your constant complaining. Maybe if you weren't so clingy and boring, I would probably want to spend more time with you then all those other girls" he spat at me as my hand laid on my cheek, stunned at his words. Excuse me !

"Of all girls you're calling me clingy. Are you so dull to realise the fact that all those bitches you hang with are in fact just into you because of your money ? I for one don't need your money because we both know I can support myself on my own" I said as I turned and started walking towards our or should I now say his room.

I stopped myself from walking any further on the staircase as I turned to look at him once more. "I'm glad this happened because now I can leave happily on my flight back home to England. I would have told you if we hadn't fought but not all good things last very long" I said as I started packing my belongings.

As I zipped up the last of my suitcase, I grabbed my luggage and trudged down the stairs trying to keep my balance. Justin's presence was no longer, the last had I seen him when I admitted to leaving to England and in return I got an expressionless face. I quickly called for a cab and was on my way to the airport.

To be honest, I regret saying those words to him, then again it needed to be said. I couldn't stand being insecure and depressed anymore. I'm partially happy to be going home but I'm worried to the fact as to what Justin will do now that I'm not here. Either way I had to leave, family emergency, my dad told me that my grandad is diagnosed with lung cancer. Stage 3.

𝐉. 𝐁𝐢𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐫 & 𝐉. 𝐌𝐜𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 | (𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘥 )Where stories live. Discover now