Best Friend - A Very Merry Christmas

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It's everyone's favourite time of the year, Christmas ! I could never be happier at this moment since we get to spend time with our family, giving back and presents. Times like this is what I live for, I enjoy making people smile or laugh, it warms my heart to know that I'm the reason to brighten someone's day - even if it's not a lot - a small act of kindness goes a long way.

I woke up early this morning for Christmas Eve as my mission today was to buy at least 100 McDonald's meals to give out. 7am I was up and dressed, I know for a fact this is going to take some time to prepare. I grabbed my purse, as well as my phone and walked to Justin's room across the hall to find him asleep. I guess I'm doing this alone.

I drove to the nearest McDonald's in our neighbourhood and to my luck it was quiet. Who goes to McDonald's at almost 8am in the morning on Christmas Eve ? At this moment it was only me.

I went inside instead of the drive-thru. I have the lady over the counter my order, paid and had to wait for about 15 mins. To top off a good day, I gave the lady a $100 tip.

2016 has been a great year for me, probably one of the best so far, the least I could do is give back to those that need more than me. I've met new people and came across knowing that my so called best friends can stab me in the back. If that best friend is with you through all your hard times and has bothered to care in your friendship, I believe then only are they worthy of the title best friend. Though as long as I have my family with me and Justin I'm happy.

Going on this adventure of giving back has made me meet new people and learn that each person has a different story or reason as to why they are where they are today. People like these are way more worthy of your time then a couple of fake friends.

I had just finished giving out the 100th meal, wished the man a Merry Christmas and was off to walk back to my car. Just as I buckled my seat belt I got a call from Justin. I answered it through the Bluetooth speaker "Good morning, I'm glad you finally woke up" I said, it's now 12:05pm. "Morning, where are you ?" He asked.

"Well this morning I went out giving meals, I thought you would come with, but you were clearly too into your sleep so I thought I shouldn't disturb. Why ?" I said.

"Ohh okay that's good, no rush then" he said. "It sounds urgent, what's up ?" I asked. "Well my family and as well as yours are here. So I thought I should let you know since you've been wanting to see them for so long now" he said. "Oh my god okay I'm on my way, I just finished not so long ago so expect me there in about 15 minutes" I said, starting the ignition and was on my way home.

"Okay cool, wait hold on my mum and your mum wants to - Y/N darling where are you ? I'm worried sick, I thought your in danger - Y/N love how are you ? Your mum and I were worried about you since Justin didn't even know where you were" I can see Pattie and my mom staring at Justin. I can hear Justin in the background saying that he will put the call on speaker.

"Don't worry guys, I'm absolutely fine. I just went out early this morning trying to give everyone else a good Christmas as well. I should be home now in 10 minutes" I giggled at the thought of everyone over stressing.

"Okay good - wait hold on, Justin wants to speak to you" my mum said, their was shuffling on the other end until I heard Justin's voice again "Please get here quick, save me" he said. I heard my mum and Pattie shouting at Justin since they heard him. "I miss you, bye" he said lastly as the call came to an end. Their goes the butterflies.

The year is coming to an end and here I am still waiting for Justin to admit that he finally has feelings for me. You shouldn't be waiting. I know I shouldn't be waiting for him to make the first move, but the last thing I want is to die of embarrassment because what if he doesn't have feelings for me.

Half of the flirty or cute lines he says to me is forced. I doubt he actually means any of them. Well at least I think it's fake.

I pulled into the driveway, locked the car and grabbed my belongings. Walking to the front door and just as I can turn the front door handle, it was opened before me and I was pulled into hugs. "Aww guys" I said as I pulled the 4 littlest ones before me in for a hug. My 2 younger brothers as well as Jazmyn and Jaxon. "I'm home" I yelled. Rushed footsteps came from the kitchen, my mum and Pattie with Justin slowly walking behind them.

"Oh darling, I missed you so much" my mum pulled me in for a hug as she cried on my shoulder. "I missed you too mum" I held her tighter. "Please don't cry because you're going to make me want to cry too" I said, she released from our hug and sniffled. "I just missed you that's all. I'm so glad you're okay. I was worried sick where you were" she said as she wiped away her tears. "Well I'm here now in one piece" I smiled and she smiled in return. It's good to feel back at home.

I pulled in Pattie for a hug "Y/N love, how are you ?" she released from our hug and held my face in her hands. "I'm good thanks and yourself. How was your trip ?" I asked. "It was all well. We were all so excited to see you and Justin, especially the kids and that's when we started to panic that Justin didn't even know where you were" Pattie said rolling her eyes. Poor Justin.

He held me around my waist "I'll try to be more alert next time, can't let this princess get stolen from us" he said. Oh the feels. Everyone dispersed off to their rooms, I understand they must be really tired from their flight so I didn't bother to disturb either.

"I'm sorry your sleep was disturbed, I'm a bit tired from waking up early as well. I think we should go to sleep like the rest of the fam" I said pulling his hand along with me upstairs. Parting our ways to go to our room Justin held my hand pulling me towards him. "Lay with me" he said simply. I lightly smiled and gave in. It was 1:30pm. I lay beside him keeping our distance and slowly I felt myself falling off to sleep.

{Please read the A/N at the end ! Xx}

I woke up from giggles and laughter in the room. Justin's arms were wrapped around me, while my hand laid on his chest. I got up suddenly and in front of the bed were the 4 kiddos "Justin and Y/N sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-" they sang until I got up from the bed. "Oh I'm so going to get you guys" I said as I started to chase them.

I caught them on the sofa and tackled them all into a fit of giggles by tickling them. "What's all this noise going on down there. It's 10:15pm" Justin said groggily. He came downstairs and joined me in tickling them. "While you guys have fun over here, I'll get some popcorn so we can all watch a movie" I said.

"Popcorn for everyone !" I shouted. Everyone seated themselves on the couch and grabbed the popcorn from my hands. We decided on watching Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

It was 11:58pm. I'm hungry. "I'll be right back" I whispered aloud. I headed to the kitchen and decided to just have a sweet for now whilst I make a sandwich. I was heading back to the lounge to ask the others if they'd like anything to eat. Before entering the lounge, Justin stopped me. He pulled me closer, I didn't stop him. His arms were around my waist. He leaned in, I didn't stop him. His lips were finally placed on mine. I've been waiting for this moment for years. I kissed back. His hands trailed to my hair while mine trailed to lay on his chest.

"Mistletoe" he said in between kisses. "I've been wanting to do that for a long time now, I hate that I haven't done it sooner. I love you Y/N and all I ask for in this moment is will you be my girlfriend ?" He asked. "If only you asked sooner...Just kidding oh my god yes" I said. He placed another kiss on my lips. "Merry Christmas baby" he said pulling me in a for a hug. The kiddos ran around the lounge shouting Merry Christmas. "It's a very Merry Christmas indeed" I said.

A/N: Hey guys ! Merry Christmas 🎄 Sorry if this is late for some of you as it's currently still Christmas in London. Hope you all had a joyous day with your family. I also hope you enjoyed this imagine as I only did this in a few hours. Please be sure to vote and comment. I'm thinking of bringing Jason McCann imagines back, let me know what you guys think or have in mind. Much love .xx

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