Dating - Leaked Nudes (Part 1)

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A/N: Soo by the title you all can tell that this is about Justin's nudes...Yeah not the best thing for the entire world to see, I think it's absolutely cruel to go overboard and invade a celebrities personal life to an extent where you post pictures of them naked. Like no dude. Also in celebration of 6K, hope you guys enjoy this. As always don't forget to send me feedback, vote and follow. Comment below if their should be a Part 2 and I'll figure a way for the next part. Much love beauts .xx

Warning: Swearing

My reaction to this whole situation that I'm seeing before my eyes is un-fucking-believable. Justin has been travelling around for the past month promoting "What Do You Mean"  along with performing. After promoting, he had the thought of going to Bora Bora for some time now for a small vacation. I for one thought it would be perfect if we went together, time for us to be with each other, cuddles at night and what did he have to say about that you may question ? No. I was taken back by his answer which seemed a bit suspicious to me. I mean which boyfriend wouldn't want to take their girlfriend with over seas - well unless you actually love her.

I asked him if I can come ? No. I asked him if their was going to be any girls ? No. Here I am contemplating my existence, as I scrolled through my phone catching my eye this morning was the News for once. That being Justin naked, I'm talking every part of his body being exposed and you know what hurts, having to find more pictures of Justin these past few days he's been away with this...hoe named Jayde Pierce. {A/N: No hate to Jayde, I'm sure she's a lovely person}

I've heard about her, she doesn't seem decent is what I can tell you. Overly exposed model, recently just became single and just had a lingerie photo shoot done ? I thought Justin said no girls ? I thought it was just going to be just him and some friends ? Well you know what, hell did I think wrong that too thinking I could actually trust him...

I scrolled further below seeing even more disturbing pictures, evident for me to know that they hooked up. This is just perfect honestly. I mean having a girlfriend on the other side of the world waiting for you, whilst you're busy having the time of your life with some bitch all over you.

I didn't think quick when I thought I should confront Justin about this, no girl deserves this, I don't deserve this. But you know. what they say 'Pain demands to be felt' and damn the pain was really getting to me. Took him a few calls till he finally answered me the third time. "Hey Justin" I said sweetly. "Ohh hey (Y/N)" he said hesitantly. What happened to calling each other babe, baby, babygirl or even princess...Guess it doesn't matter anymore.

"Glad to see you're having fun" I said sarcastically. "What are you talking about ?" he asked as if confused. "When you left, I asked you if I could go and what did you tell me ?" I asked questioningly. "I said no and the answer still is no" he said annoyed. "Mhm and when I asked you if there would be any girls . What did you tell me ?" I asked as my anger was growing. "I said no. Though where are you going with this ?" He asked as if he's confused.

I then sent him pictures of himself and Jay- I mean the bitch. One of them in gowns and another of them sitting together clothed on the balcony. "Check your texts" I simply said. I then heard some shifting over the line until he came back on "Are you serious ? Is this what it's about ? Seriously babe it's no big deal" he said with ease. Woah he actually said babe...

"HA ! Not a big deal ? First off might I remind you that you lied to me and if theirs anything I hate, it's liars. Second of all you're walking naked around another female who's not your girlfriend who also might I add just became single recently" I said in anger.

"Okay seriously I'm getting annoyed here. I didn't come on vacation for you to hound on me about a friend. So what Jayde is here ? We haven't done anything. She asked to come, I told her to do what she wanted and she came anyway. Her being single is irrelevant just like this you're trying to start" he said as he raised his voice.

"I'm not irrelevant if my boyfriend is walking around with his dick out, no other girl should see what's supposed to be exclusively mine, yet you don't care that's she's 10 feet away and you're butt ass naked ? Are you being serious right now ? Let that have been me walking around naked with one of my friends around, you would be in my position right now. So don't say this conversation is irrelevant" I said as I was getting frustrated.

"I'm glad to see how you really this how you're going to react when I'm around every other girl ? If that's the case, we should just end this, end us, right here right now because for one I don't need a jealous girlfriend around whenever I'm seen with another girl" he said plainly.

"I honestly can't believe you right now" I lowly chuckled "Ever since I've been with you I've never, not once been over bearing or clingy. I'm mad because the fact remains that you lied about it and you're taking the situation so casually when another girl has seen you naked in which is only exclusive for me to see. But since you don't care nor can you understand that, when you get back home I won't be here. I'm done with this and you always blaming me when we fight. Screw you I'm over this" I said as I was on the verge of tears. No, no, no don't cry. You are stronger then this to be crying over a jerk.

"Fine by me. At least now I can do what ever the fuck I want. I don't give a fuck" he said in a satisfied tone.

"Ahhh just when I thought you couldn't be anymore of a dick" I said as my tone of sarcasm being evident.

"I'm just responding to your bitchy and childish attitude" he said as he laughed at his remark. "Heard. Enjoy the rest of your life Mr. Justin Drew Bieber" I said lastly as I ended the call. I headed straight to our once shared room and started to gather my belongings as then the tears dared to fall. I couldn't control myself, I was weak, emotional, I'm unstable.

Nice going Justin...

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