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Chloe's P.O.V:

That was the lowest of the low...

How could anyone sink to such depths to embarrass Nikki in front of the entire world like that.

And now I'm attending a meeting to discuss the investigation.
I'm a little late though so I don't know what to expect when I walk through that door.

*Opens door*


MACKENZIE: "Me? Yeah right and where's your proof?"

ZOEY: "Right here! This note has your handwriting on it right?!"

MACKENZIE: "Hey... That's my handwriting! But I didn't write this... Honestly, I know that I can go way too far sometimes but this is something that even I wouldn't do."

ZOEY: "So your handwriting was just magically forged by someone is that what you're saying? Chloe back me up."

I have never seen this side of Zoey before, I'm usually the hot-headed one of us but hey...

What choice do I have?

CHLOE: "Yeah, Zoey is right! This is YOUR handwriting Mackenzie. Plus nobody hates Nikki as much as you do!"

MACKENZIE: "Hey, wait. Please, I'm telling you all that I'm innocent!"


A late Maxwell Negrini has arrived.

MAXWELL: "Maybe you are innocent, because I remember talking to you at the event during that time. Someone else did this and when I find them I'm going to make hell look like Disneyland for them!"

ANDRÉ: "Okay settle down now Maxwell. We have to stay calm and find out who did this."

MAXWELL: "Shut up! Maybe you did it Mr hey here's a scholarship! But the main suspect here is obviously Mackenzie, even though she's innocent. We don't have any leads here."

As if right on cue, when tensions were reaching their highest... Trevor Chase entered the room!

T.C: "I understand that this meeting is going nowhere, correct?"

MAXWELL: "In any way you look at it, we have no leads..."

T.C: "No leads?! Okay... Listen... I invested so much money into this contest and I'm NOT HAPPY that someone decided to ruin it! Whoever did it, I want them to fes up and apologize to me!"

I feel so sorry for the poor guy, this was his crowning achievement of his life's work. And yet someone ruined it, someone crushed it into little, tiny, bite-size pieces...

T.C: "Now if you'll excuse me... I've got a meeting with a Japanese exchange student that has caught my eye."

He stormed out of the room.

MAXWELL: "I hate that we can't give this guy the answer he deserves. But any way you look at it, there are no leads whatsoever."

MACKENZIE: "No, there is one lead. I hate to say it, but it's Brandon. Nobody's seen him since his final song."

MAXWELL: "Brandon... Now that you mention it, he hasn't been seen since his last performance. But I refuse to believe that he would do something like that, he knows that I would tear him apart if he did!"

Maxwell looks like he has been through hell these past few days. He is ready to completely tear the person responsible apart. And I'll help him do that.

MACKENZIE: "Think about it, I know that you hate me but I'm telling the truth. Maybe that's the reason he ran away."

MAXWELL: "You're right... You're more than right... But I need some proof of this."

ANDRÉ: "Lucky for you, I have a cousin that works for the security force at MetLife Stadium. He says that he can send in some security footage from the production room."

MAXWELL: "Looks like you're pretty useful after all..."

ANDRÉ: "Merci."

We have to get to the bottom of this.
Maxwell and André are going to lead this investigation.
And we're going to make whoever is responsible PAY!

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