He Moves Nextdoor-Michael

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*his POV*

I finished plugging in all my gaming equipment in my new room. I planned on spending the rest of the day in here. I hated moving.

"Michael! You can't spend all day up there!"

"Yes I can Mum!"

"Fine! We're going to the shops!"

I heard the door shut behind my parents. I always got pissy when my parents made me move. They didn't really care about my feelings. They always up rooted me when I was finally happy. I hated them.
There was a knocking at my front door but I was ignoring it. I really didn't want to talk to anyone.

"I know someone's in there! And I'm not leaving!" a female voice rang out.

I groaned, paused my game and went downstairs. I opened the door. Standing there was a short girl with hair to her waist. She had a plate of homemade cookies held out in front of her.

"I come baring gifts."

"Haha. I'm Michael."

"I'm Y/N, going to let me in?"

"Yeah, sorry."

She walked in and went straight to the kitchen.

"How do you know where everything is?"

"I used to know the people who lived here."


"Hey, can we order pizza?"

"Yes we can."

I rang up the pizza place as Y/N went upstairs. I followed after her. She was sitting in my room continuing my video game. My jaw dropped. She was really good.

"Stop gapping and come play."

We spent hours playing video games and eating cookies and pizza.

"So, why'd you move?"

"My parents wanted to."

"Oh, are your parents that kind?"

"That destroys their kid for fun? Yeah."

"That sucks. My parents aren't actually mine. I'm fostered."

"That sucks."

"Never met my real parents so I can't miss them."

We continued in silence.
Y/N was a really nice kid. She was chilled and relaxed about everything. And she wasn't embarrassed about anything. I liked that in a girl. And I liked Y/N.

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