You're a Badass-Michael

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Being less rich had always bother me. I had next to nothing. No body really understood my pain. I NEEDED the newest clothes each season. I NEEDED expensive make-up. And the only way I could get what I needed was to steal. I had been doing it for a couple of years now. But only ever in winter. You see, in winter you can wear over-sized jumpers; you can't do that in summer. So I usually spent the whole summer doing little 'shopping trips' getting all my clothes for the next year. None of my friends knew I did this. I didn't really want to have that conversation with them. Today was on of those days where I went 'shopping'. I didn't really enjoy doing this but it got me what I wanted.

I stumbled into the mall wearing three bras (for make-up) and a very baggy sweater. It gave me the appearance of being quite chubby, so I did a bit of a fat persons waddle. No one gave me a second glance.

I walked into my shop of choice. I got a basket and filled it with more stuff than I was going to take. I got into a change room and went about stuffing myself with the items I needed. Once happy with it, I went to leave the store. That's when the plan unravelled. Michael, a friend form school, was on his shift in the store I was trying to steal from. I couldn't just walk out but I couldn't just stay in the store; that would look odd. and then I heard the announcement over the loud speaker.

"We are doing a check for shop lifters. I suggest you empty yourself out."

I couldn't do that. I would never be able to come back into the store. I must have looked really panicked because Michael and his boss came over.

"You," boss man began. "Have a much too skinny face for that stomach."

"I have eating problems. No need to point them out!"

"Y/N you have to come with us."

"Michael no. I haven't done anything wrong."

"I know you and you're thin as a rake."

"Time changes people."

"I saw you yesterday," he said bluntly.

I made a split second decision and ran. I ran out of the store. the alarms went off and I could hear Michael chasing me. Damn.

Michael caught me around the middle and pulled me to the ground.

"Seriously Y/N!"

"Girls gotta do what a girls gotta do."

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