Chapter VIII: Humans and Elves (Triana)

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     After a long journey from Calderock, I have finally reached Prairie Town. The wind forces me forth a different direction, vicinity near Prairie Town. At first I do not want to go but I have a notion that I must follow its guide. It wasn’t long until I saw a kid from afar carrying a little girl. Moments later and a green goblin showed up trying to attack him from behind. Luckily I shot an arrow and prevented the disaster. He did notice me and thanks me but what is important now is that we take care of this child.

Chapter VIII: Humans and Elves (Triana)

“Where’s Rose?!” The old mustached guy said.

     “What are you talking about?” I asked. “I just brought her here.”

     “That’s not Rose, that’s her sister, Lily.”

     “I am sorry but I…”

     “Sorry does not bring back my step daughter.”

     “It doesn’t.” The kid said as he approaches us. “But that doesn’t mean that she will never be found.” He then looked at me. “This has got nothing to do with her.”

     His anger disappeared and a short paused commenced. “I… I’m sorry Xian. She’s just one of my responsibilities. I don’t want anything happened to Rose.”

     Xian held the old person’s shoulder. “I will get her back, I promise.”

     “Okay… please tell happened to Vigilante Steve.”

     “I will… until then, goodbye.” Xian walks away and I followed this blonde kid.

     “Hey…” I greeted. “I would like to thank you about that.”

     “Don’t mention it.” He smiled as we continue walking. “That’s just how he really feels about Rose.” He made a wondering face. “I haven’t seen you here before, are you new here?”

     “Oh I am. I was sent by Queen Nerwin to learn the outside world. This was the day that I was waiting for.”

     “Well, welcome to the outside world. What are you going to do now?”

     “I am supposed to speak with Master Archer Diana. Where is she?”

     “I don’t know. How about you come with me later to search for her?”

     “Yes, that would be great.”

     “She’s here with me.” The scarlet haired guy in front of us says and was with another blonde elf.

     “Master Diana I presumed?” I said.

     “Hello Triana, you have come to a long journey and I see that you have made a friend already.”

     “But now we have a task for the both of you.”

     “The both of us?” I wondered.

     “But Mr. Steve…” Xian said. “…she came a long way from…” He looked at me.

     “Anu Arendel.” I answered.

     “And she must be exhaust from walking and you’re already giving her a task?”

     “Slow down Xian, I’m not saying to do it now but as soon as possible.” He said in a kind manner. “I’m sure that you are aware that there have been kidnappings in this town and as we know Rose is one of them. If you did not get some hound grass, Daisy might have also been kidnapped.”

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