Chapter III: The Wind Guides You (Triana)

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     Humans were never that close to monsters. But there are who they trusted… the Elves. Elves carry the power of the wind. They are considered as the most flexible class. Usually… these elves use Bows and not much of melee attacks. They have neither mothers nor fathers since their birth comes from the Tree of Life where they are born from its fruits. All of them are considered as sisters and brothers no matter how old they are. But they have someone that they call as “The Queen”. It is a title where in a candidate is chosen by the elves and earns the title.

Chapter III: The Wind Guides You (Triana)

The weather in Anu Arendel is always the same. Orange skies… dry orange leaves… orange trees… clear waters that show reflection to the surroundings… and a large three with a blue portal that leads inside as Elven Guards with spears covered by their masks. Queen Nerwin wishes to see me… it is an honor to enter the heart of the Tree of Life. She sits on her wooden throne…

     “Triana, my dear, it is a great privilege to have you here. You showed me that we could trust you with our whole heart.” Queen Nerwin said.

     “Thank you my queen, but all of us here are your advantages, we are all born in the same tree.” I said.

     “It is good to hear your humbleness, but I want to know more about the outside world, I miss the way people look like and how they act… but I can’t… I have to take care of the Elves. Triana, I have seen our skills of observant, you have maintained your patients and I don’t see or hear any problems regarding our race. I want to entrust you an objective, by going to the human lands.”

     “The human lands, I- I do not know if I am prepared my queen.”

     “Triana, you are not prepared, by with the guide of the wind, and the responsibility that you hold, I want you to go outside, and it is your turn as one of my elves to experience the world… to meet someone new. Do not waste this opportunity my dear… this is your chance now.”

     “I… I do not know what to say but… I will not let you down… I will let the wind guide me and I will come back and report of the happenings outside.”

     “Thank you my dear… also, I want you to meet with Master Archer in Saint Haven… she holds the ticket to the Nautilus Airship where you’ll start your journey in Prairie Town.”

     “I will obey the command of my queen.”

     “Go, my dear, and may you find your Telezia.”

     “Goodbye my queen.” I bowed in front and left the tree of life. This might just be the start of a beautiful journey as the long blonde haired, pointy eared and olive-toned skin colored elf steps out and was blocked by the Elf Elder which ruined the moment. “Sir, is there something that you would like to say?”

     “Yes Triana, as you may know, we have been searching for queen candidates. We do not know on how long the queen may continue protecting the forest and casting magic for the pixies. I am definite that you make up a good candidate. The questions remains, will you accept this offer?”

     “Sir, I… I do not know if I am responsible enough and also… I was given a task by the queen. I may not be able to go back so it is okay if you search for others.”

     “That is most likely unfortunate. You indeed would have been a great queen in my opinion. I just have one thing to say… may the wind guide you.”

     “Thank you sir.” And just like that, I left and sat forth to Saint Haven… Saint Haven was big… it was a stronghold that I have heard from the other elves that were talking about. I was confused and I don’t know where to go…

     “And that is how I ended up here Master Ithilen.” I said.

     “Oh…” she grinned a little. “It is okay sister, when I first arrived in Saint Haven… I was confused and afraid as you. But it is never too late to back out.”

     Of course I wanted to… but I have seen how much Queen Nerwin wants to see the outside world, how the world goes now. I do not want to let her down, and I wanted her to see it… at least by my reports. “No…” with a solemn face “I will fulfill this task and I will find my Telezia.”

     She smiled like she was impressed “Well child… I trust that you will make it to the Nautilus Airship.” She handed me the ticket. “… and I am certain that you will meet a lot of friends. You only have three hours until it takes off unless you want to walk on foot going to Prairie Town.”

     “Great! I must go now… thank you!” I ran in a hurry trying to find the way to the Airship.

     “Triana wait! But what about the… Oh never mind… I’m sure that she can find it by herself.”

     So I search high and low… just to find the Airship in this crowded fortress. By now I should be panicking… but that all ended when I heard that someone was also going to the Nautilus. So I secretly followed him [don’t want to get the wrong idea] and found myself to the Nautilus. It was the first time that I will board an Airship. There were different kinds of people… a sorceress leaning at the tip of the Airship, a cleric leaning at the higher part of the ship, and a lady in red and white clothes. She looks like…

     “Hi! I’m Events Planner Irine!” she said.

     I remember. She once went to Anu Arendel to help our young ones. I was so impressed on how she made they happy… it was like a children’s paradise… like a carnival. It was good to finally meet her… can’t say anything other than… “Oh… hello.”

     “Oh my Gosh!!!” Irine said with a shrieking voice. “I rarely see any cute Elf around.” She went near and was holding both of my arms. “You are soooooooo CCCUUUUTTEE!!!”

     “Oh… well… thank you!”

     “I feel like we are going to be great friends!”

     Just as it hits me like a rock straight to my chest. “Really?”

     “Yes… actually I don’t feel like it… I know that we will be.” She held me like I was a child.

     It’s just like what the others say… I will meet someone new… some new friends. I just didn’t expect that it would be her… my idol. Now I have more confidence that I will succeed with the task that I was given. The only thing that I know is that…

     “This is my start.” Okay now she’s kind of holding me tightly.



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