Chapter VII: Shockwave (Angelica)

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     Does he mean the chest I found earlier? Hah! I knew that stealing the chest was a good idea and now… my doll is telling me that it was its idea. Like hell… when it was actually my brilliant idea. Erm… where did I put that again? It was there… no there… um… Oh… yeah over there. Time to deliver this to Master Sorceress Cynthia and make her proud! I still don’t know how to open this lock… and I can’t use any spells… I may break it. I’m just going to show it. It’s lighter than I thought… what’s inside?

Chapter VII: Shockwave (Angelica)

“You useless piece of crap…” My master said. “There’s absolutely nothing in here!” She clenched her fist with my agitating smile. “I had to use my powers to unlock this chest!” She sounded more like a nagging (Which I never had) “Did you not remember the unlocking spell that I have thought you?”

     “I… erm… umm…” I can’t remember.

     “Uggh… have you ever thought of shaking the chest if there’s anything in there?”

     “That… I did not thought of.” I said but in my mind I was saying… “Maybe the chest is fragile and must be taken with gentle care. Have you ever thought of that?”

     “I heard that. Baka (Idiot)!” My master said telepathically. She lessened her grip “Nothing we can do now. These monsters are smarter than we thought… creating duplicates, they are organized. That’s why you better search for it again”

     “But where?”

     “Where do you think the ambush happened? To Frost Wind Valley!”

     Yeah… of course… why did I not think of that? “Okay… I’ll go there right now.”

     “Well get to it then! Before I…”

     “I’m on it!” I hurriedly turned myself away from her. My skin shivered from fear and the cold wasn’t helping though. As I near the exit of the town, someone was standing near the gate. Another sorceress with blue tights and short blue hair… she looked at me with her face astonish seeing her eyes widen. I remember who she was now… she was.



     “Angelica!” She ran towards me with a beaming smile. “It’s you!”

     “Tara… it’s good to see you again.” That warm hug led my shiver away. “How are you here?”

     “I’m good. Wow… it’s just… wow. Five years and you finally showed your face.”

     “I just thought that I want to visit Mana Ridge. I miss the old faces.”

     “Hey… where are you headed now?”

     “I’m off to Frost Wind Valley. Apparently…” my face frowned “… Master Cynthia ordered me to investigate there. There was an ambush and the real chest was still missing.”

     “It’s kind of cool that you found it first rather than the clerics.”

“Yeah I know… that’s how awesome I am.”

“You’re going to Frost Wind Valley. You have to be careful… the place doesn’t only have goblins crawling but also has Orcs. You’re going to need a skill that would break its shield.”

     “Nah I’m good. I can use Flame Worm and burn that dude to crisps.”

     “Don’t be so confident. I have dealt with Orcs before but even Flame Worm can’t defeat it easily.”

Dragon Nest: Small Towns Volume OneWhere stories live. Discover now