Chapter I: Movement of the Light (Edan)

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     The Sage… is the first hero to ever defeat the Black Dragon Karas. But this battle has made both of them badly wounded which caused the Sage’s Death but the Black Dragon Karas fleeing away with defeat. The Sage knew that the Black Dragon would return someday so he trained two disciples, two students, Jacob and Marian to learn the ways of his magic. Jacob was taught by the Divine Magic which deals with the light element casting godly weapons, lightning, and relics while Marian was taught by the Vision Magic which deals with the fire, ice, and dark element casting large area of damages.

Chapter I: Movement of the Light (Edan)

However, no one knew about why they had created a conflict between the Sorceress and the Cleric. Even now… those two classes still have a conflict that may never be removed. Well… never is a very long time. The beginning of agreement between the Sorceress and the Cleric begins with two individuals, both from Saint Haven came.

     Sun shines, steady winds, birds chirping, it was a nice weather in Saint Haven when I was called in the Royal Castle. Stepping inside was a young, white-skinned, smooth Emo styled silver-haired man wearing high brown boots and gloves, white leathered knight clothes which would be the official Templar Knights uniform armed with a shield and a mace.

     He walks the hallway passing Royal guards with silver armors holding a harbinger and to the room where the Archbishop Ignacio calls upon him. He is an old pig that could actually stand up wearing the white garment of an Archbishop and holding a golden staff.

     “I am here…” I said. “Why have the Archbishop called me?”

     “It is such a wonderful weather here in Lagendia, a good day to relax. I hope that you aren’t up to something.” said Ignacio.

     “Nothing much… I’m just patrolling the Garden when my fellow mates notify me about you looking for me.”

     “What’s the one of the best Templar Knight patrolling the Garden when you can actually do more for our people?” he looks to the window. “Besides, I need you my child. Can I count on you?”

     “A child from the Goddess Altea can be counted.”

     “And that is what I want to hear.” he looked back to me. “I have a task to you… I bet you have heard already about the Sage? The very first person trained by the Goddess to share both Divine and Vision magic. The one once defeated the Black Dragon Karas.”

     “And his story still lives on until this day.”

     “And it shall… there is an important carriage carrying by the clerics of Mana Ridge. I’ve assigned them to send a package involving a content of the Sage. I can’t tell you what is inside and I don’t want anyone to know but I want that packaged to be safe and sound. Report to Cleric Leonard, the head of the Mana Ridge Clerics, and then once the task is done, report back to me. And remember, it is crucial that the content of the chest must never be told nor should anyone know that it is important. I’ve set an arrangement on you going to the Nautilus Airship today three hours from now. Will you do it?”

     “If any monsters threatened to steal the case, they shall taste the wrath of the Goddess.”

     “There’s a reserved ticket with your name on it. Now go! And may the Goddess be with you.” The archbishop said as I turned and left the room.

     Not knowing the contents of the chest, I still took off with this quest. I was thinking about what’s inside it that I didn’t realized that I bumped into a table with a vase on a top. Just before an inch hits the ground, I caught it. I placed it back to the table as I heard some footsteps walking in front of me.

     “Clumsy you, something on your mind I presumed?” the girl said.

     “Oh, Lady Lena, yes… something about me and the Archbishop.”

     “By the way, does my dress look great on me?” she asked.

     “Lady Lena, it looks great on you, but you already look great even without it.”

     “So you want me to be naked?”

     “Wha- No!” I was surprised with a blush on my face. “I- I mean… it’s not that I want you naked b-but.”

     “Haha, it’s okay, I get it.” She smiled. “And thank you for telling me that I look great.” Not only that her dress is beautiful but also her looks, white as snow, scarlet red with twirled long hair at her front, beautiful red eyes and holding a young age of 18.

     “What’s the occasion?”

     “Well… as duchess… I shall join the festival that will last for a week since I am the public speaker.” She sniffed her flower “Too bad that Events Planner Irine will not be joining us… instead she wants to do the festival in Calderock Village. Edan, would you join me to the festival? It would be great if one of the best Templar Knights accompany me.”

     “Lady Lena, I wish I could, but about what Archbishop and I were talking about, I was sent to Mana Ridge for an important task.”

     “Oh, that’s too bad. I mean it’s a festival. I guess it’s just me and father again.” Her face turned down.

     “And also the Royal Guards…” my smile lessens “Don’t get this the wrong way, I am not trying to avoid you, I’m just doing my duty as a Templar Knight.” I smiled “How about this, I’ll be back in a week and I will still be with my friend for half of the festival… okay?”

     “I will be expecting you…” a short pause happened. “Funny, it’s like you’re the only friend who really knows me.”

     “Hehe… I’ll be back three days in time. Until then… have fun in the festival with your father!” Edan made a cheerful smile.

     “Sure I will.” She smiled.

     That won’t be the last time that I’ll see her face as I went out of the castle and to the entrance of the Royal Gates. He was blocked by a Royal Guard just outside the castle.

     “Hey! Edan!” he said.

     “Guard Joey! It’s nice to see you.”

     “It’s nice to see you too man.”

     “Wait… shouldn’t you be preparing your things? You are going to Calderock, right?”

     “Yeah… I gambled my ticket and lost it. But the good side is that I get to have the money I had gambled!”

     “I don’t get it.”

     “There are no more tickets going to Calderock… but at least I doubled my money! It’s going to take more than that to take this guy down!”

     “I should get going… the Archbishop asked me to do a task. I’ll see you in a week.”

     “Well… see you man!” Joey waved as I left to the Nautilus. “Man I was so lucky I won!”

     Astonished, admiring the wings of the Nautilus just makes you stunned. It was actually my first time ridding it. As soon as made sense… in my mind… I was saying.

     “This is my start.” why do I have a feeling that I am being followed?



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