Chapter XXI: A Lost Someone (Edan)

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          The fallen clerics are now blessed. As I have finished my prayers for their souls, I now take my leave of the graves where their bodies are buried. The sky turned to gloom and intense winds are pushing me with continuous change in every direction. The birds and owls started to either fly or find shelter in trees. A storm is coming, I had to get back soon. Maybe Angelica has some good news. Walking my way through the forest, I saw the goblins that we slayed at some time lying on the ground. The odd thing is that the weapons with them have disappeared. Someone has taken it? I should be reporting back to Mana Ridge.

Chapter XXI: A Lost Someone (Edan)

          By the time I arrived at the village, people started to go in their homes. Shops closing and other clerics preparing protection barriers to capture much of the wind. Any force that enters the barrier lessens the momentum into a small ratio. Since the barrier is big, its thickness is smaller and vice versa. Walking by it should be fine so I had no problem going in. Once I entered, the wind calmed but still strong in which the wind must be really strong outside. Master Cleric Leonard is standing up and looking after the clerics casting the barrier.

         "Edan, I heard about the two." Leonard notices me. "I'm sorry."

         "I came late since I buried them at the monastery." I replied.

         "Hey Edan." Sorceress Tara came up. "Have you got my mushrooms?"

         "Oh, yeah about that..." I scratched my head. "... I overslept and I... forgot. It was a good thing that Angelica woke me up."

         "Say, where is she?" Tara asked.

         "She said she'd get here first. You guys should have already found her already."

         "She's gone." Master Sorceress Cynthia said as she walks toward us awkwardly like she was drunk. "Something came up and she has to go. I sent her with a carriage heading to Calderock Village."

         "What?" I got surprised. "How long will she be back?"

          "Long, a very -- long -- time." Her alluring voice sound like it's a good thing but I think I know her well enough after she did a suplex at me. A real sadist.

          "I guess it's a good thing. I mean who cares about that girl anyway? Heh." I did a smile that didn't seem real.

          "But Edan, you guys were great when you fought that Minotaur." Tara said. "It's pretty rare that two people taking down a Minotaur here since most of us are still learning." Most of you guys are still learning, huh? Meanwhile I'm stuck with only one skill. "You two are a pretty good team." She smiled as the two masters are surprised to what Tara, a sorceress has to say to me, a cleric.

          "I guess." My face turned relaxed. "I sure hope she has a safe trip." She should have a safe trip. We'll fight more monsters later after I return to Saint Haven and go to the festival with Lena. I can't go yet because the storm will make it hard for me to navigate. If Angelica is in a carriage, it should be okay. Then it hit me, the dead goblins I saw earlier had no weapons with them. The other goblins might have gotten the other weapons leaving the corpses behind. With that much weapons and the storm outside, they can ambush the carriage. She won't be okay. I rushed outside the barrier.

          "Wait! Edan! Where are you going!?" Tara shouted.

         Tracking the carriage should be easy because they only follow the road but the storm is giving less visibility for me to see. I'll just have to trust my instincts that I am with the road. Freezing blood on my hands piercing through my gloves, cotton-like snow are piling up to my feet only giving footprints behind, a while later I saw a figure at the front. It think it could be them but when I got there, it was only a broken carriage. It must have been the carriage a day ago when a group of clerics were delivering the Sage's staff.

         Out of nowhere, an axe was thrown and I was lucky enough to block it with my shield. Goblins sprouted out the snow and other jumped off up the road. Goblins are more adept in these kind of environment. Their eyes can see much more in dim places and sometimes covered with something like a smokescreen. The sun gives them less efficiency because their eyes are sensitive with bright object but this storm isn't giving a single sun ray. There were too many of them and I had no choice but to retreat forward hopefully I can find the carriage and regroup with them. We may still have a chance.

          They just keep popping up like they know where I am going. My shield is going to break soon and my mace is blunt from my previous battles which means I have to use all my strength to pierce through their bodies. I see a large silhouette on the road ahead and it's my guess that's it's them. My hopes were gone by the time I got there as the carriage has been destroyed.

         "Angelica!" I screamed that maybe she would still be alive. I kept shouting but the sound exposed my position from the goblins. In a matter of time, I was surrounded. The only way out is to fight my way going either to town or finding Angelica. First thing's first is clearing this wave of goblins but this storm is slowing down my movements.

         Exhausted from my fighting, I still have the guts to shout "Angelica! Where are you!?" and decided to move more to the forest continuing the road. I thought I could make it but the fatigue caught me off guard and I fainted in the ground in a matter of seconds. The goblins are coming from any directions. Maybe if I just stay on the ground, they wouldn't find me and the snow would cover me. If they wouldn't kill me, this cold would. I have to get up some time but it's impossible now.

          Right now, it's good that the cold will not kill me because one of the goblins found me.

          "Found you *goble* *goble*" it said. It suddenly looked from where its friends are "Hey guys! I found him!"

          "Why, thank you." A flash of crystal-like, yellowish beam burnt the goblin to ashes. I couldn't see who it was since I am too tired to move my head. The other goblins caught up with their daggers held up high. They started charging up but before they can get to me or wherever the one who attacked the other goblin from, about nine lasers scattered to them causing disorientation to the mob. When they scattered, they were one by one killed by a bright purplish-black orb floating towards and almost absorbing them. As the final attack, they were all hit by a skill I recognized, only stronger.

         "Burn" she says and the whole wave was burnt to crisp.

         Angelica stood where my face is directed. The only thing I can say is "hey".

         The burning corpse of the goblins at least kept me warmer and Angelica says "Baka." Then started walking away. "But thank you, and good bye." I heard her using a spell to leave. A zip-like sound then she was gone. She must've used a teleport portal. How did she get so strong after we fought Cedric and Jacob? Well I saw Master Sorceress Cynthia and Master Cleric Leonard heading towards me. They saw me but observed the surroundings.

        "Did you do this?" I didn't know who said that but I already went blank.



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