No Emotion (ASL X Reader) Part 11

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   A couple of weeks have past and you and Luffy are back to normal. Well, most of you. After the incident... well, let's just say your not entirely yourself. You've been feeling a lot happier and happy-go-lucky and it turns out for the worst.... your behavior could rival Luffy's. And to the two older brother's dismay. You dont know why, but the incident brings out the 'child' in you (eventhought you are a child). You think of it as a side effect from all the beating you recieved...or maybe the fact that you're almost killed tought you to be gratefull to life. Eather way it's between the two. Now, you're no longer the badass and mature (y/n) that everyone first knew. Now you're (y/n), the childish, happy-go-lucky and irrisistably cute little girl. Where are you now? Let's just say you're with your brothers, having a toast of brotherhood! And sisterhood!

   "Did you know? When we share sake with each other we became siblings?"

   "Hah!!! Really?!"

   "Hmm! Now let's have a toast! From now on, we're forever brothers! And sister!" And with that you made your toast. You have brothers, eventough they're not related to you by blood, you felt very happy.

   "Hey! How about we catch some deer for the celebration!" You suggested, which immediately approved by your newly formed brothers with drooling faces.

~Timeskip! Brought to you by hunting practice with ASL!~

   You went back to Dadan's house and the brothers threw the deer's ass into Dadan's face. You apologize on your brothers's behalf but you cant stop the constant giggles coming from your mouth. Your hunting skills are not as good as the three brothers so you've been falling around ever so often. Now you're all covered in dirt  and there's only one thing on your mind, and that was getting a nice bath. You stripped your clothes and went into the so called bathtub and relaxed. With your devil fruit powers, it's impossible to float on the cold wet water, so you did what was normal for a devil fruit user, sink. You held your breath and occasionally you went to the surface to get some air since the tub is not so deep. You've been repeating this over and over again,just for the fun of it. It all stop when you heard noises from the other side of the door. Knowing what will happen next, you quickly hid under the water, a smirk on your face. Just then....

   "Dont you dare get out until your clean!" Dadan voice echos through the small bathroom, followed by the slamming of the door. Oh oh... that's not good....or is it? You slowly resurface, dont want to let the boys know you're here. Silently, you listened to their conversation.

   "Geez that old hag. Always pestering us to take a bath. We'll end up dirty anyways." Ace spoke.

   "Well, if we didnt then say 'bye bye meat! We'll miss you!'" Sabo continued the conversation. This earned a shock gasp from Luffy.

   "I don't wanna say goodbye! The meats are mine!" With that the rubber boy puffed out his cheeks, looking like a cute little hamster.

   "Whatever. Hey, you guys have seen (y/n)? I cant find her after we came back." Ace questioned.

   "Ooooohhhh~ is Portgas D. Ace worried?~" Sabo joked. This earned a smack to the head from the immensely blushing fireball.

   "Shut up!" With that said, Ace makes his way towards the tub. 'Uh oh...' He climb up the tub only to see your head peeking out from the tub. At first he  though your head was a lost turtle, but then he realised that it was actually a cute little girl taking a nice bath while peeking out at him. And that girl was you, (y/n). He blushed uncontrolably seeing your fair skin below the cristal clear water and his current position in front of you. He immediately staggered back out of the tub, his face showing a hundred shades of red. Sabo and Luffy, after seeing this became curious and wanted to check out the mysterious being inside the tub, but before they could, you jump out of the tub, earning a surprise and scared shreak from the other two and a whisper of 'water ghost' from Luffy. After seeing it was just you,they calmed down and stand back up. Only for Sabo to sit back down again after seeing your totally naked form, completely red. 'I dont get boys... i dont even grow those bouncy things yet...' you thought.

   "What you guys sitting around for? Hurry up and bath or else no meat for you." You said and continue bathing with Luffy. The 10 year olds wont even bunch, instead, looking at you, with slight nosebleed. Perverts.

~Timeskip! Brought to you by bathtime!~

Ace and Sabo: *washing their noses*

Luffy: What's wrong with them?

You: Dont pay attention to them Luffy

Sanji: *sobbing at the corner* why.. why is that shitty rubber boy get to see those things and not me!

   You went out of the bathroom. Slowly followed by your brothers. Dinner went silent, except for Luffy's figthing. But strangely Ace and Sabo ate quitely, sometimes sparring glance at you and blushed. 'Really whats gotten into them?'

   After dinner you went to bed. You crawled under one of the many blankets on the floor, which belong to your brothers. Yup, you've been sleeping with them ever since the incident. The reason? Well, Ace thought that it will be safer if you sleep with them rather than yourself. Also they can help you with your nightmares which hve been decreasing rapidly since you slept there. You sleep between Ace and Sabo and Luffy besides Ace. The three boys crawled under their blankets and you say your goodnights. That night you swore you were being watched. Two eyes in front and the other burning into the back of your skull. 'This is gonna be a long night.'

    ~cliffhanger! Sorry if its boring~

You:.... Perverts...

Ace and Sabo: No we're not!

You: Yes you are! How can you get  nose bleed from watching me naked? Im five years old for heaven sakes and thats half of your life!


Ace and Sabo:..... run!

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