No Emotion (ASL X Reader) Part 8

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   "Mmph...hmm.. huh?" You slowly opened our eyes. You felt tired, really tired. You open your eyes wider and scan your surroundings. It's dark. Maybe you're in a room. No, you're laying on grass. Maybe under a tree trunk? Yeah, that's possibly it. You turned your head to the side after your ears catch someone snoring. It was Luffy. 'Hmph! I cant believe I managed to sleep with him beside me'. You thought. You tried to sit up but your body betrayed you. With that you close your eyes and sleep.

   "There here..."

   "Come on! Let's tied them."

   "Y-you do it! I dont want to get eaten by that beast!" You slowly open your eyes. 'Man! Cant these people shut up! Children are trying to sleep- wait, people?' You looked towards the direction of the voices. The lights blinded  you and you take your time to adjust your eyes. Just then, you heard someone yelled.

   "Grrr.. let me go! Let me go, you bastards!" You looked to the side and saw 3 men trying to held Luffy.

   "L-luf..fy..." You want to call out to him but your voice came out as a whisper.

   "" You tried to yell to the men to stop. They were to rough. They started punching and kicking Luffy, though you know that it wont hurt the rubber boy, you still felt that pain when someone hurts him.

   " him...anymore". Again your voice was unheard. You turnes to move but you still cant. It's like you've been paralized. Then, someone grab a small dagger and try to stab Luffy in the shoulder after Luffy kicked him. Your eyes widen and you could feel every muscle functioning again.

   "STOP IT!!!!" Still laying on the ground, you yelled at the top of your lungs. This time it came out loud and clear. The man holding the dagger suddenly stop along with his friends and Luffy. The air was tainted blue and suddenly all men fall to the ground, unconcious.

   'Great....a new mysterious power i have to learn about...'

No Emotion (ASL X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now