Summary of ending

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Okay, so it ends like this:

As all of you might have guessed, the weird coincedences that happened in the story is due to the interference of the grown up Starwhats and co. They did all they can to protect Luffy from Nightmare, who is weirdly absent.

This goes on until reader-chan is taken away by the Celestial Dragon. The people she saw are the time-travellers, of course.

After that, the group of time-travellers are contronted by Nightmare, who claims that he gives up.

He reveals his face and introduces himself as reader-chan's foster older brother that saved her all those years ago. He has no idea of their afflitiation with his sister and sincerely apologizes.

Sabo and Luffy then bombarded the man with questions about reader-chan, only to be met with bad news. While reader-chan told him so much about the ASL trio as she can, as years past, she became what people want her to be: a human weapon.

She lost her memories due to trauma and follows orders like a doll. She feels no emotion (roll credits) and could not even recognize her own brother.

Enraged, they made a pack and return to the present in order to save reader-chan.

Yadda yadda yadda, they finally met her on an island where she was sent to assassinate someone and confront her. She doesn't remember them and fights them head-on with mo hesitation.

Our baby Luffy did the Talk-no-Jutsu and miraculously,  she remembers and cries in the brothers' embraces.

And they live happily ever after the end!

I'm sorry for those who waited such a long time for this story to end. It is my fault. I should have done this sooner. Thank you for reading this crappy story and voting for it! I'm sorry for my laziness and unmotivated self. I am writing loads of others stories (still in draft but I will publish later) so check it out yeah!

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