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"Itte (Ouch)..." Luffy groans as he falls into some thorny bushes as soon as he jumps out of the portal.

   "Woah!" The rubber pirate fluttered one of his eyes open and saw that Sabo, along with some of his crewmates and Law, falling towards him.

   "WAAHH!!!" Luffy's eyes bulge out of their sockets when his nakamas' weights hit him like a ton of bricks, literally.

  "Itte.." Sabo groans but otherwise felt confused as to why his landing isnt that painful than it should be. The blonde revolutionary sits up, only to realize that he and the ones who managed to follow them, are piled on top of his little brother, whose eyes turn to 'X's and mouth foaming.

   "WAAH!!! LUFFY, WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" He panicked as he shakes Luffy's body back and forth.

   "Saaaaabboooooo stooooopppp!!!!" Luffy said dizzily. Sabo stops and looks at Luffy whose eyes are swirly compared to their previous 'X' and mouth still foaming.

   "Where are we?" Law asks as he looks around the large forest. The others also look around, body stiff, alarmed as if something was about to pounce at them any moment. Sabo stands up, followed by Luffy, and looks around as well. The brothers' eyes widen as they take in the familiar landscape.

   "Mount Colubo.." Sabo said softly while memories of his childhood replay in his mind like a video.

   "Sabo-kun, is this where you were born?" Koala asked his partner, eyes focused at his figure. The softest of smiles grace his features.

   "Yeah, Ace, Luffy and I. All three of us brothers grew up here until 12 years ago." Sabo's eyes travel the familiar terrain. The moment was broke by none other than Nightmare's laughter.

   "Make that 'since a few months ago'." Nightmare scans the crew with predatory eyes that made some of the crew tremble in fear.

   "I never thought this many of you would be here." Nightmare muttered and soon his lips twirch upwards.

   "Meh, who cares. You guys'll die eventually. Well, see you when i kill you~" Nightmare said in a sing song voice that brought shivers down everyone's spine.

   "Wait!" Sabo shouted but Nightmare was already gone in a swirl of leaves, as if he's never there. Sabo gritted his teeth in anger.

   "Luffy? Zoro? Sanji-kun?" Nami called out to the moster trio who seem to focus their gaze on a certain tree. Sabo looks towards them as well as the tree and activates his observation haki. His eyes widen.

   "There's someone there, injured." Sanji noted as he and the others rushed towards the tree. Luffy and Sabo reached the tree first and stood there frozen at the sight. The others soon reached them and wondered what makes them so stiff.

   "Luffy, what's wrong?" Zoro asks his captain as he takes a peek. He widens his eyes at what lays before him.

   A small girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair lays bloody and beaten under the tree, unconcious. His doctor side taking over, Law rushes to her aid and search for her pulse while the brothers stood frozen.

   "(Y/n)..." Luffy muttered. That one word brought the brothers out of their frozen state and both kneeled on either side of the young girl, helding an expression of worry.

   "Will she be okay?"

   "How is she?"

   The crew stood dumbfounded at the brothers antic until Sanji realizes something.

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