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   It's been months since then and it had been almost a year of your life with your new family. Though occasionally, you could feel someone watching you. You always think about the mysterious figures that you catch a glimpes while in the forest. You kinda think someone is stalking you.

   Well, loads of things happen, firstly, you and your brothers ran from home. You not exactly like the idea but hey, where they go you go. You guys built a treehouse in the forest and live there. You can sometimes smell Dadan or the other bandits watching over you from afar but you decided to keep quite since they were just worried.

   You have been stronger than before and you can now control your snow leopard form quite well. But strangely you cant beat Ace. Always. It's not like you were holding back but that kid is just too slick. You cant believe you cant beat him though when the first time you transform you were far stronger than him. I guess that's what you get from eating and sleeping all day while your brothers train. Now, you and Sabo are on par while Luffy is sligthly weaker.

   Oh yes! Did i say you were getting chubby? Yup you are. You cried days and nights when you saw your reflection in the mirror. You're not actually fat, just a little chubby but even a little amount of fat can make a girl do suicide. You kinda envy Luffy for eating so much but still look like a stick insect. So now, you were running around the island. From Goa Kingdom to Fuusha Village. Even when Makino call you didnt stop. No matter what you're gonna burn those calories to ash! Bad mistake. Half a day later, you passed out on the docks until Ace brought you back on midnight. At least you burn those calories.

~Timeskip! Yay you burn your calories!~

   You sat down at the treehouse, waiting for your brothers with a frown. You were pissed. Extreamely pissed. Why? Well, some trio wanted to 'decorate' the treehouse for you. And you were excited of course but they say it was a surprise. So you went sight-seeing in the forest you knew all to well from your stay for the couple of months.

    It was like 3 hours later that you get a really bad feeling, and when i say bad, it is REALLY bad. So, you ran to the treehouse to look for them but they were nowhere to be found except for the absolutely filthy treehouse. It was dirtier than usual and you face-palm. Knowing full well that you've been trick.

    'They must have went to town and eat ramen. I knew i should keep an eye on them when i heard about their discussion yesterday!' You wanted to trash the treehouse if you can but considering the pitiful state of the treehouse, there's nothing more to trash. So being the clean freak you are, you clean every crook of the treehouse until it was spotless. While you were cleaning, you dont know the trouble your brothers went through in town (you know the Sabo father thing).

   You've spent 2 hours cleaning and they were still nowhere to be found. Thinking they would be gone for a while, you went to the waterfall for a nice calm bath to sooth your mind.

   After a nice relaxing bath, you stood to go back to the treehouse when you found out your clothes are gone. Looking around, you notice a bear toring your precious clothes into pieces with its razor sharp teeth, making it impossible to wear. Seemingly caught your gaze, the bear look at you and back away as he felt the murderous aura emitting from you. A few seconds later, it passed out. Knowing full well you cant wear your used-to-be called clothes anymore, you have no other choice as to walk through the forest. Naked.

   On your way, you hide your body behind a tree everytime you hear or smell something, fearing it was the boys. The path went smoothly to the treehouse and you quickly climb up. You paled when you climb up. You instantly regret arranging the closets and storages. Now you have no freaking idea where are your clothes. So now you are spending half an hour searching for your clothes. The bath you've taken earlier change nothing as your body was once again covered in sweat. You were busy searching for your clothes that you didnt notice the trio walking towards the treehouse.

:Normal P.O.V:

   The three brothers walk along the forest path towards their treehouse. They know you will be extreamely pissed for them lying to you but that didnt matter. Right now, they were only thinking about Sabo's father and try to find a way to get them seperated and not risk any chances seeing him again. They dont even realize the sound coming from the treehouse.

   "I think we should lay low for a while." Ace suggest.

   "But then who will get us food? And money?" Sabo question.

   "We can ask (y/n)-chan." Luffy suggest.

   "I dont want to ask her. She will say ' Finally asking for my help huh freckles? Hohoho~'" Ace said, mimicking your voice. Sabo and Luffy laughs. They climb the treehouse until they were standing on the wooden floor. Unnoticing the naked girl in front of them until...

:(Y/n) P.O.V:

   You finally found your clothes storage and slowly you lift the huge heavy box down to the floor. You hear voices super close to you and paled. You turn around and saw your brothers talking to each other. Oblivious to your presence until Ace look at you and gawk. Face as red as a tomato. Seeing this Sabo and Luffy also look at you, resulting a very red Sabo and a confused Luffy.

   "Why is (y/n)-chan naked?"

   "KYAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!" You scream your heart out and throw anything around you at them. One of the items you threw hit Ace and he fell backwards but before he could he grab Sabo's collar and Sabo did the same to Luffy. In the end they all fell out from the treehouse with you yelling 'PERVERT' as the backgroud music.

   You quickly put on the top clothes in the storage, a super blush on your face. Below the treehouse, Ace and Sabo sit down with a nosebleed while Luffy just look confused. He keep looking up at the treehouse and his three brothers.


A/n: again, I didn't edit any chapters. Im just publishing it as how it is years ago. I know it's cringy but what do you expect of a child. Im so sorry huhuuu

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