No Emotion (ASL X Reader) Part 4

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    Blood ran down your white fur. Right now, you stood face to face with that white-haired man. His features is all bloody. It's a miracle that he can even stand. His shirt is torn to pieces and left claw and bite marks at his chest, arms and legs that will surely leave nasty scars. But you're in no better shape, your once white fur is replace with red blood. Your hind leg is raised due to the immense amount of pain. Your breathing heavily as it is. You dont know anything about your newly found power due to the amnesia but it felt very familiar. And you felt happy when you use it. Your moves when you fight is not at all reckless. Your body seems to move by its own and knows where and when to attack much to your surprise. You stand protectively in front of the brothers, who looked at you in awe. You know you have to hurry, or else more will came. You look around, dead bodies lay on the ground when you attack them a few hors before. But you are sure that one or two escapes and that wont be long when they returned with reinforcements. Right now, your top priority is to lead the boys to safety.

  You look ahead one more time, eyeing your opponent. He grabs his spikey gloves and falls in a battle stance. You swiftly follow. Both of you know, this attack will be the last. For a few seconds you eye your apponent, then both of you lunge at each other at the same time.

  Blood splattered and a body falls lifelessly on the ground. But that body is not yours, it belongs to your apponent. Finally, everything is over. You look over at the boys who are now staring at you. You would imagine them felling terrified and hate when they see your form but instead, you found eyes that look surprise and amaze. You walk closer to them in your-what you thought- snow leopard form. They didnt backed away, instead Luffy reaches out and touch your nose. Seemingly surprise by the sudden touch, you back away, only for the other 2 to hold you.

  'They are not afraid of me?' You speak to yourself in your head, since you cant speak normally in this form.

  "Of course not!" The three of them exclaim.

  'You can hear me?' You say, surprise they can hear you when your actually talking to yourself.

  "Of course we can! Stop felling terrified! We wont do anything to you!" Ace snaps. You felt realived and slowly you change back into your human form. By now, you're already unconcious. The boys look at you for a second. Seeming not to believe that this beautiful little girl, was once that huge snow leopard.

  "We have to get her to Dadan! Sabo help." Ace instruct while Sabo simply follows with Luffy close behind. Little that they know that they are being watched.

  "Tsk tsk tsk. Little children should mess with big men."


   Brought to you by ASL carrying injured Reader!  

You: Shut up!

Ace: Oi! Your injured live with it!

You: ;";-"*$/""/";'+"/"+""!!!!

  You open your eyes slightly and found yourself 'hanging' from the ceiling. Your face facing the floor. You look beside you and saw Luffy's battered form. He sees you and starts squirming.

  "(Y/n)-chan! You're awake! Are you okay?!" He cries loud enough for you ears to bleed since his literally hanging beside you. You then heard a dark voice.

  "So, the girl's awake." A man came out from the shadows and greet you. His skin is dark and he wears something like a blue captain's coat. You already have a good idea who this man is.

  "Bluejam." You let out a hoarse voice. The man just smirks at you. You look around. No sign of Ace and Sabo. You look back at Luffy, whose face looks very terrified when seeing this man. Wait, Luffy is not this injured when you were fighthing that white-haired guy! So Bluejam must-!

  You look at Blujam. Eyes fill with anger. He catches this and his smirk turns to a frown. He then hit you with a bat he is currently holding.

  "(Y/n)! You bas-!' Luffy was enraged but soon fell the fate. Your vision is hazy. You look at Luffy, he's already uncouncious. You cant faint. Not now. You have to know where Ace and Sabo is. But pain wins and the darkness lulls you to sleep.

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