No Emotion (ASL X Reader) Part 1

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   'Where am I? Is anyone here?' I keep asking myself this questions in my head. I can't make out the words at my lips. It's like they've frozen. I tried to move but no avail. I slowly opened my eyes that I've been struggling to open.

    'Where am I? It looks like a forest.' Then, I heard someone running towards me while laughting happily. It sounded like a child's voice. I heard the footsteps stop a few feet from me. I closed my eyes again, drifting into the darkness. I was half concious but I can still hear the child's voice.

   "Ace! Sabo! There's a girl laying beside a tree. She's all bloody too!" After that I heard more footsteps and I wanted to look who came but before I could, I was drifted into the darkness.

   My body hurt so damn much but it feels less than what I've felt before. I slowly opened my eyes and stared at the wooden ceiling on top of me.

   'Where am I now?' The room was dark and I couldn't tell where I was taken to, but mostly.... by who? My (e/c) adjust to the darkness and I looked around. I tried to sit up and it took me like minutes to just do that, followed by intense pain from my body. I groan when the wound at my shoulder starts to sting. Just then, the door opened, revealing three small shadows.

   "Oi! You shouldn't be sitting up!" A freckled boy says coming towards me with a angry look. I tried to move back out of fear but my body wont allow it.

   "Ace! Dont scare the poor girl!" A boy with a top hat scold as he sees my reaction. The freckled boy just 'tsk'. The lights was switched on and the two other boys came in, followed by a group of people....and a huge woman..or was it a man?

   "You're lucky the boys found you. You were half dead!" The woman/man says. You turned you're head to the three boys beside you and you gave a weak smile.

   "Thank you,.... um..."

   "Hey! My name's Luffy, Im going to be the Pirate King!" You look at the boy wearing a strawhat. He looks a little older than you (btw you're 5).

   "Hello, my name is (y/n)!" You gave a big goofy grin to match the boy's.

   "Hey no fair! We've haven't introduce ourselves yet!" The boy with tophat yelled.

   "The name's Sabo. This freckled boy is Ace" He say introducing himself and gesturimg to Ace, who look annoyed. You felt like your life is going to be interesting if you stay with them. And boy how right were you.

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