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   The farewell party ended. The once captive pirates and fighters from Dressrosa made an alliance with the captain of the Strawhat Pirates, Monkey D. Luffy. Now, it is time for them to part ways.

   "I hope to see you soon, Luffy-senpai!" Bartolomeo shouted from his ship as it sails further away from the Thousand Sunny, as well as the other ships.

   "May our path cross again, Strawhat!" Cavendish said as he sailed away. The other ships also yelled out their goodbyes.

   "Minna! See you soon!!" Luffy shouted back, waving his arms back and forth.

   Sabo watch his brother with a warm smile. Who would have though that the once 7 years old crybaby would become someone so strong in just a span of few years. Sabo shift his gaze to the ship's grassy deck, his dark orbs shadowed under the shade of his tophat.

   "Luffy." Said boy looked towards his older brother in confusion and walked towards him.

   "I'll best be off too." Sabo puts his hand on the top of his hat and lifted his face to show his brother the apologetic look he held. The rubber boy's face turns into a sad frown.

   "...Do you really have to go?" Luffy asks with a tint of sadness in his voice.

   "Im afraid so. I, too, have responsibility. My friends are waiting for me on a nearby island. It's best not to keep them waiting." Sabo explain. He, too, doesnt want to leave his dear brother. Who would when you have been separated for more than a decade?

   Luffy looks at his brother with sad eyes, before he shows his signature smile at him.

   "I see. Well then, see ya, Sabo! You'll visit us, right?" The rubber captain asked with hope shining in his black orbs.

   "Of course! I'll try to visit you when i can, okay? But it will be a while. Im a busy man!" Sabo gave a wide smile at his younger brother. Then, his face turns into one of realization.

   "Oh yeah, Luffy?" The younger looks at him in confusion.

   "You didnt happen to know where i can find (y/n), right? It's been a while and i want to see her." Sabo asks his brother. His brother's relaxed posture seems to suddenly stiffen at the mention of his sister. Memories from years back played through his mind.

   Luffy shifts his gaze downwards, a frown settled on his face as his eyes are shadowed by his everpresent strawhat. The hands at his side suddenly clench. Sabo looks at his brother in confusion and worries.

   "(Y/n)..... left." Was the only words that came out of his lips. Sabo looks at his brother with wide eyes.

   "What do you mean she... left?" Just as Luffy was about to answer, a woman's voice could be recognized, calling out for his brother.

   The crew shift their gaze towards the railing when a young woman with brown locks jumps onto it from the small boat parked beside the Sunny.

   "Koala, what are you doing here?!" Sabo asks, slightly shock that his partner was here and not with the rest of the group. He had guess that the cheerful woman would go to the promised island since she didnt show herself when they were parting from Dressrosa. Suddenly, the woman storms her way towards the blond and whacked his head.

   "Baka! Im the one who supposed to ask that! What the hell are you doing here?! We were supposed to be on the next island hours ago!" This continued with another whacked to the head and some angry cusses from the female. The crew cant help but compare it with a certain orange-headed navigator and a rock-for-a-brain captain.

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