Chapter 8: I'll Wait For You...

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Author's Note:

No author's note. Lol

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Enjoy Genies!


Janine's POV

Harry held the door open for me as I walked into Milkshake City. I smiled at him.

The bell on the door rang and Liam, Zayn, and Niall turned around. When they saw Harry walk in behind me, they jumped up.

"Hey, mate! How are you?" asked Zayn, as he and Harry were doing one of those man-hug thingys.

He greeted Niall and Liam and turned around.

"This is my friend, Janine. The one I told you guys about over the phone." he says, looking at me smiling.

I still couldn't believe I was standing in front of 4/5 of One Direction. I think I'm gonna die.

"H-hi." I say, smiling.

"Hello there, love!" said Liam, walking over and pulling me in for a hug.

Then came Niall, then Zayn.

We ordered and sat down at the far corner table.

"Harry told us about your ex." said Niall, in his adorable Irish accent.

"Yeah." I say, looking down.

"And we're very sorry. A guy like that doesn't deserve you." said Zayn. "Look at you, you're beautiful!"

I looked up and I could feel my cheeks getting red.

"Awww, Zayn you made her blush!" said Liam, laughing.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Thank you, guys." I say, smiling. "I'm can't thank you enough for doing this for me, Harry. I actually feel quite guilty."

"Rubbish!" says Harry. "Can't I just help out a friend of mine?"

"Of course!" I say.

I looked into his emerald green eyes. He was the sweetest thing.

'I think I'm in love...' I thought to myself.

"Two lovebirds!" said Niall.

Zayn was making kissing noises.

I looked down and smiled. I glanced up to see Harry doing the same thing. I giggled.

"Excuse me, I'm going to the restroom." I say, getting up and running towards the bathroom.


Harry's POV

I glanced up to see Janine doing the exact same thing. I looked down quickly. I heard her giggle.

"Excuse me, I'm going to the restroom." she said, getting up quickly.

I looked up. I saw her running towards the bathroom. I smiled.

"You fancy her don't you, Haz?" asked Liam. He had on his 'daddy' face.

"I do." I say, looking towards the bathroom.

"She's fit for you. She's gorgeous." said Zayn.

I looked at him. I could tell he fancied her a bit.

"I know, right?!" said Niall.

They slapped a high-five and I gave them both a I'm-gonna-kill you-later look.

"So lads? What should I do?" I ask.

I don't want to make the wrong move.

"Give her some time. She fancies you but she's still easing off her break-up. After all, it was last night." said Liam.

'I'll wait. I'll wait for as long as she needs. I love her....' I say to myself.


Janine's POV

When I got into the bathroom I could help but smile. I liked him. I liked him a lot. Love him? Maybe.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone. Again, it was Brenda.

"Shit." I said, to myself.

I answered.

Me: Hey B! 

Brenda: Hey. I just wanted to call to check up on you.  

Me: I'm fine. You? 

Brenda: Yeah, I'm leaving tomorrow morning. So I should be there around 10, 10:30. Is that alright? 

Me: Yeah! I can't wait to see you.  

Brenda: Me too. We have a lot to talk about.  

Me: Well I've gotta go okay? 

Brenda: K babe. See you tomorrow.

I was so taken up with the boys I forgot about Brenda. Now I'm in trouble.

To be continued...


Janine meets the rest of the boys! 

It looks like Zayn fancies her a bit. Hmmm.... (;

And Harry and Janine both admit they love each other, but Janine still isn't over Joey even though she stopped caring a long time ago.

And Brenda? What is she gonna tell her?

So will there be Jarry or Jayn?

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