Chapter 43

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February rolled around and things seemed to get stressful. Sirius Black was spotted a few miles away from Hogwarts.  I tried not to focus on that and instead on my studies, but it was hard when that's what everyone is talking about. You couldn't walk down the hallway without hearing his name. It doesn't help that there are dementors surrounding the grounds, constantly reminding you to be on alert with their presence. Especially since they didn't differentiate between people.

I tiredly shuffled to my room, ready to take a nap before dinner. I opened the door and threw my bag onto the couch. Draco was standing in the kitchen, looking in the fridge.

"Hey, babe." He smiled. I waved and collapsed onto the bed. He chuckled and walked over. "Tired?"

"No, I'm extremely hyper. Look at me go." Draco rubbed my back. 

"Cuddle?" I asked, opening my arms. 

Draco jumped over me and onto the bed. I scooted as close as possible, resting my head on his chest. He softly pet my hair with one hand while the other moved to my leg that was raised over his.  Sleep took over my body in a matter of minutes.


"Luna, wake up. Time for dinner," Draco spoke, shaking my shoulder. I groaned, rolling over onto my back. "Come on babe. It's time for dinner."

 I rubbed my eyes before opening them. He was laying on his side, looking down at me.

"Carry me?" I mumbled. 

Draco smiled, standing up. I sat up and crawled onto his back. He carried me all of the way down to the Great Hall. He set me down by the table, so we sit down. Blaise smiled at us as we piled up our plates.

"Do you know what tomorrow is?" Draco asked, taking a drink of juice.


"Yes and?"

"The fourteenth?"

"What happens on February fourteenth?

"You get your period?" Blaise choked on his food and started laughing. He tried to cover it up with a cough.  Draco stared at me in horror. "What? Grossed out?"

"No...but it's Valentine's day! As your boyfriend, it is my duty-"

"Haha, you said duty."

 I laughed. Draco facepalmed.

"It is my job to treat you on a date. So, I will wake you up at 8 for breakfast and then leave you to get ready." 

I nodded. "What are we going to be doing?"

Draco smirked. "It's a surprise. Do you have anyone you want to help you get ready?" 

I frowned. "No...I don't have any friends." 

Draco looked around. "Aren't you friends with Granger and Weasley girl?" 

I shook my head.

"More acquaintances than friends and at some points it seems like Hermione hates me." Blaise thought for a moment before standing.  "What are you doing? No, sit back down! Zabini!" 

He walked over to the Gryffindor table. I groaned, resting my head on the table, before getting up and following him.

"Hello, ladies." He said, stopping in front of Hermione and Ginny. They raised an eyebrow at him. The Gryffindor's sitting around them stared, which consisted of Ginny's brothers and Harry. I grabbed Blaise's arm.

"Let's go sit down. They are going to say no." 

He shrugged me off. "Now, before you jump to conclusions, let me finish asking my questions. What are you two doing tomorrow?" By Ron's facial expression, I could tell he jumped to conclusions. He opened his mouth to speak but Blaise stopped him. "Ah, I said don't jump to conclusions. Calm down there Weasley."

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