Chapter 35

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Draco was out of the hospital wing an hour later, just in time for Defense Against the Dark Arts. I walked into the classroom to see all of the tables pushed against the back wall and in the middle of the room was a wardrobe. Professor Lupin stood off to the side, fixing something. I walked up to Harry and Ron.

"Are we learning to defend ourselves against attack clothes?" I joked. 

Lupin laughed and turned around. "Not today, Miss. Snape."

 Soon, everyone was in and it was time for class to start. Draco leaned against a pole with a sling on. I rolled my eyes. What a drama queen. Its just a scratch. I don't see why he needs a sling. 

"Today, we are learning about Boggarts. Boggarts are shape-shifters. No one has ever seen its true form. I have one locked inside this wardrobe. Not attack clothes, Luna."

I smiled. "Darn!" 

"Before I let you have a chance to face the boggart, you must learn the incantation. Repeat after me, riddikulus."

The class repeated it back. 

"Now again but louder."

We repeated it louder.

"Good. Now that's, not the only thing you need to take down a boggart. Laughter as well. Nevile you first. What are you afraid of?"

Nevile mumbled something incoherent.

"What was that?"

"Professor Snape," he repeated. 

I felt empathetic about his situation. I know my father bullies him. I have gotten angry with him about it but nothing has changed, despite my angry and civil talks with him. 

"Are you ready?" Lupin asked. 

He nodded. The wardrobe opened up and a Boggart of my father slithered out. Once it got a few feet, Nevile said the incantation. It transformed into Snape wearing old lady clothes. I burst out laughing. 

"That was the best thing ever," I said, as Nevile walked to the back. Everyone formed a line. I was first up. I waited as the boggart shape-shifted. It turned into a piece of parchment. I stared at it confused.

"Your fear is...parchment?" Hermione asked. I opened my mouth to reply but was cut off by a voice. Devin's voice.

"Hey, Luna,

There's no reason for you to send me letters anymore. I'm done being friends. Oh and no one misses you. Just stay in England, dont bother coming back to America. You're really annoying. I bet Draco can't even stand you. He is just using you. Why would anyone want to date you? Just go die in a ditch somewhere."

"Riddikulus," I quickly said, tears rushing to my eyes. 

That made me more sad than terrified, but it was something I was scared of happening. The Boggart changed into a paper origami cat that chased its tail. Softly laughing, I turned and walked to the back of the line. It quickly changed as another person walked up. People gave me sympathetic looks as I walked past.I could see Draco shooting me curious glances from his place in line. Soon, It was Draco's turn. I watched curiously to see what his Boggart was. It stayed what form it was in before shape-shifting I appeared with someone's arm around my waist. It wasn't anyone I could recognize. 

"I never liked you, Draco. Why would you think I ever did? I was only using you for your money. You aren't good enough for me and never will be." 

Tears sprung to my eyes. That's his worst fear?

"Riddikulus," He whispered. 

It changed to a video of him spinning me. You could see the happiness on our faces. He set me down and I stumbled back before falling over. It kept replaying me falling over.  Draco chuckled and I started laughing as well. People were focused on me more than Draco. Not with weird looks but with curious looks. Like they wanted me to react to what his worst fear was.

"That is an accurate representation of me," I said. 

Draco's Boggart was stuck in my head. I can't believe his worst fear is losing me.

Little Miss. SnapeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora