Twenty Questions

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"You can call me too, ya know?" Sage said from the other end.

I smile and take the steps up to the school. "Obviously I don't trust myself. If it was up to me I would be calling you everyday." I lean against my locker, a big goofy smile on my face. "So how's the family?"

"Ah when they're not trying to convince me to stay in Cincinnati they're just fine. Very pushy."

Spontaneously, my heart rate quickens and I begin to panic. Unrational thoughts are rushing into my mind, picking away at all my common sense. Thoughts of rushing out to Cincinnati to plead my ever dying case to him race through my head. This seems mushy and completely over done in movies, but I can't help but mentally book my plane ticket. Sage was my best friend, I didn't know what I would do if he moved back to Cincinatti.

"W-what? Are you considering it?" I ask.

He chuckles and I can just picture him running a hand through that beautiful mane of hair. "No, Rory. My life right now is back with you... and you're mom."

Willing my heart to slow its pace considering I think he can hear it through the phone, I sigh with relief and slide down to the floor, closing my eyes. The idiotic smile is back.

"Good. And the girlfriend, she okay too?"

"She's fine. I uh, asked her to marry me. She agreed. We're going to elope before I leave again."

"I'm so happy for you, Sage. I better get pictures."

Honestly I was happy for him. I just hoped it didn't interfere with him coming back.

There's a short awkward pause before he starts speaking again. "So what have you been up to?" He asks, promptly changing the subject. "Hopefully my temporary replacement is actually doing his job."

"Of course, mother wouldn't hire an idiot."

The crazy things I've done this weekend flashes through my mind. Why hadn't he or she interfered with the thoughtless decisions I have made this weekend? Stopping in the middle of the night to pick up a dying notorious bad boy and take him back to my house where  I would continue to be all alone with him was something Sage would have never allowed. And plus, Ren was not at all appreciative of what I had done for him. Maybe the new guy knew when to interefere and when not to, because I hadn't really been physically hurt.

"You would have been so proud of me. I kicked some guys ass. Totally broke his nose, then I popped it back into place all badass like."

"Wait... why would you need to beat some guy up? That's why your mom hired a temporary replacement to protect you and be there for you when you need them."

"No, the replacement knew I had everything under control. The guy just got in my face with his rank breath and I warned him Sage. I warned him to back off but he called me a princess and I just did what you told me and when straight for the nose."

"I don't care, Aurora!" He yelling now. "Damn it! Fighting should be at the bottom of the list of things to do when I'm not there. Anything could have happened and you could have been seriously hurt." He exhales, trying to calm himself down. "You have to be more careful okay. I can't yank you out of moving traffic if I'm not there. Promise me there will be no more fights."

The bell rings and I push my self up from the floor. "I promise, no more fights. I've got to get to class, but I don't want you to think I'm being rebellious since you're gone. I miss you and I'm counting down the days until you come back Sage. I mean that."

"I miss you and I'll see you soon."

I grin and hang up, gathering up my things and rushing off to class.

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