Things You'll Find on The Side of The Road

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I chose the beautiful Ariana Grande (the younger her with red hair) to portray Gerdie Fields because she is younger than everyone around her and Ariana Grande has that young innocent look to her. Do ya'll agree? Disagree? Let me know in the comments below!

Back at home, my mother was sitting at the kitchen island talking feverishly on her phone.

I had never seen her so flustered. But then again I had never been one to spy. My mother told me everything and when she was ready I firmly believed she would come to me.

"I don't care about that anymore. I want to-..." When she notices me standing there she immediately hangs up the phone, her face eerily happy after the heated phone call.

She welcomes me with a hug and a bright smile. "How was your first day back at school? I hope there was no trouble?"

I shrug. "Nothing memorable."

Although that wasn't the case at all however, my mother had to be sheltered from my world.

If she happen to hear that I had met the most infuriatingly beautiful guy in the world and he was a notorious bad boy, that I was practically being chased by crying cheerleaders, and the whole Sage-nearly-killing-the-hottest-and-toughest-guy-at-school-because-he-touched-me would not go over well with my mom. If something was serious enough, Sage would inform my mother but of couse it hasn't gotten to that yet, and I highly doubt that it would.

I take a seat at the island and at the exact moment our housekeeper, Olga, places a bowl of fruit in front of me before quickly going off to finish more tasks I assume. I make a point in saying thank you before she's completely out of the room. "Mom, I think Sage needs some time off. He misses his family and he's getting a little too... jumpy."

She smiles brightly, relieved, as if she was thinking I might ask of something else. "Of course, honey. Since your first day back went so well, I suppose I can hire someone who will stay in the background. This will give you a more authentic high school experience and Sage can have a month or two off."

A month or two?! There was no way I could go that long without my best friend. I was thinking more along the lines of two weeks, three at the most and I was already thinking how those few weeks would be hell. How could I be so selfish? He's gone year without physically being with his family and not to mention the relationship with his girlfriend. Everything between them must be so strained.

I swallow and nod. "Yes. Thank you."

If he was really my best friend, whether he believed it or not, I couldn't deny him of this.

Sage began to pack immediately when I told him of his time off, talking feverishly on the phone to his mother as I stood in the doorway of his room. "I know, I know. They're generous." He threw in a phone charger and some kind of book. "Look, I just wanted to forewarn you guys, I didn't want to have a full blown conversation, Mom." I smiled softly and he glances up at me, his cheeks reddening before he utters the words, "I love you, too. Bye." He then hangs up and stuffs the phone in his pocket.

"They're going to be so excited to see you." I tried to sound strong, and happy for him but my voice cracks and tears are rushing to my eyes. "I mean they ought to be, you're theirs and not mine and I shouldn't be so mushy." I swipe at an escaping tear.

He smiles and pulls me into a hug. It feels good to have him hold me, but I know I shouldn't get used to it because he won't be around to do it for a while now. I'm too dependent on him and I know it. His whole body engulfs mine and I've never felt so safe. I cling to him for dear life, desperately hoping that maybe he's decided he shouldn't go, but that can't happen if I ever want to feel independent and over come my fears. I can't live my life to the fullest if my body guard is always there fighting my battles.

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