My Best Friend Is So Much Greater Than Yours

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***Not Edited***

I stepped out of the shower feeling revitalized. Of course I still had a million and one things consuming my conscience but I still could take a good shower and know when it helped at least a little bit.

Once I was dressed in my red, black, and silver stripped swimsuit I took a towel and avitar sunglasses down to the pool. Even though the sun was shining bright and it was a perfect day for swimming, not many people were feeling the whole pool scene today. But I desperately needed something to calm my frazzled nerves and swimming seemed to be a great antecdote.

Before I could dive in a hand wrapped around my arm, yanking me back and pulling me into one of the empty cabannas.

"Just hear me out please, Rory."

I yanked my arm out of his grasp. "Don't touch me, Ren." I run a jerky hand through my hair. "You know, I can't believe I trusted you!"

Finally, for the first time in days I take a look into those eyes. You could obviously tell that the way that I have been just bluntly ignoring him has taken a huge toll on him. His eyes were wide, pleading, and looked as if he had been lacking sleep. In that moment the feeling of guilt and regret washed over me... that is until my brain reminded me of the stupid shit he had done to get us into this mess.

"No, you trusted me because you can." Ren goes to grab my hand but I take a step back. "I would never intentionally do anything to hurt you. Ever. You know that. And I'm sorry for all the harsh things I said to you about your mother but I would do anything to keep you safe."

I cross my arms. "Look where we are. We're in a different country, hiding for our lives because you are a drug lord!" I shake my head. "I will work with you on this and I won't be as stubborn as I have been but after this, you and I are never going to speak again."

Ren shakes his head stubbornly.

"You and I both know you won't be able to do that."

Before I can object he grabs my waist and slams me up against the wall, his lips softly tracing the nape of my neck. Goosebumps rise instantly at his touch.

"You know how I know that?" Ren whispers as his fingers clench my waist tighter and yanks me closer to him. I'm frozen, my body betraying my mind as I fight an internal battle.

"Because as much as you say you don't and as many times you've claimed I'm bad for you... you still want me." I start to shake my head but his lips glide across my collar bone and I let out a small whimper that he in turn smiles appreicatively about. "You want me Aurora King. And you know what else?" His hands venture up my shirt to my sides making my arms involuntarily wrap around his neck, my head tipped back in escasty.

I might have despised him for putting me and everyone that I love in so much danger, but that didn't stop me from wanting him as fiercely as I did. God, I just needed him.

How could I not?

Everything that a girl wasn't supposed to fall for was standing right infront of me. He was a drug lord for crying out loud! But strangely this fact didn't set off alarms in my head and that worried me. How much had Ren changed about me, but most importantly was I willing to just drop him so I could get back to who I was?

Ren chuckles victoriously. "Despite everything, you love me."

I knew that with the previous events that has occured, there was no way that I should be having these feelings toward him, but who could really blame me. I was blindly, stupidly, irrevocably, idiotically in love with him and unfortunately Ren knew this small peice of information. Of course I hadn't dared to utter those magical three words to him but he knew it and he was using to his full ability.

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