Until the End of Time

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"Ren would just slow down!" I shout but he still continues to press the pedal to the floor of the car. His cut up knuckles are white as he grips the steering wheel almost too hard.

I wasnt going to lie. I've never seen Ren this livid before and it was quite scary. the sharp turn of events was so unexpected that I could do nothing but sit there as the guards tossed both Ren and Gabriel to the grounds, patting them down and yelles at them to be still. It was hours before we could get released from the prison. I even had to call our family lawyer to come there and defend us before they would let us leave. I was so afraid that Ren would be going to jail that I basically cried the whole time.

"What do you think you can accomplish by being this angry?" I ask, my tears springing up again.

He ignores me but slows down to the legal speed limit.

"Can you please just talk to me?" I beg, but to no avail. Ren has never been so angry to where he doesnt want to discuss things. This makes me extremely uneasy.

By the time we make it back to my house Ren is still steadily ignoring my presence. It wasnt until I had bandaged his hand that he finally looked at me and said,

"If you value our relationship you will never go near him again, Aurora." His voice is dark and filled with so much venom that its hard to believe he has even calmed down a little since the incident.

I nod, obeyingly.

I couldnt keep seeing Gabriel now that I knew his feelings for me. That wouldnt be fair to Ren or our relationship. I knew that going to see him would only be putting me in a situation that wouldnt be beneficial for Ren and I. He was right. Besides if the tables were turned and Ren were in my situation I would forbid him from see that person as well.

He inches closer to my face. "Promise me." He demands.

"I promise. I wont."

Then as if he hadnt said anything to me he stands up and stalks away.

That night was strained. Ren wouldnt talk or touch me. My stomach dropped everytime he would look at me and not say anything.

I stayed up all night curled up on my side and when I felt him finally turn around and wrap his arm around me I sighed in relief.

"You're mine. No one, and I mean no one, will take you away from me. Forever. You hear me?"

I nod eagerly and snuggle closer. "Until the end of time."

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