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"You let Sage do what?" Gerdie exclaims.

I clamp my hand over her mouth and look around for Ren who was pulling some rope connected to the sail of our boat.

With no land in sight Ren, Gerdie and I were on one of the sailing boats out on the sea. Ren convinced Gerdie and I that we had to blend in and look like vactationers and this boat ride would be a perfect way of displaying this. Honestly I thought it was just a reason to get me away from Sage who was stuck behind on the island investigating what was going on back home.

"Gerdie!" I whisper-yelled. "Could you by any chance be any louder?"

She yanks my hand from her mouth, her eyes wide. "But you love Ren! Im your best friend and I know you love that idiot. You cant do stuff like that with Sage or any other guy for that matter. Ren will go crazy and do something stupid if it comes to you."

I put my head in my hands. "It wont happen again, Gerdie. It was just one of those things that just kinda happens." Gerdie rolls her eyes. "Sage and I are best friends. We both get that."

Gerdie shakes her head. "Poor Ren."

My eyes bulge as I stare at her incredulously. "Whose side are you on?"

"Its just that Ren is so In love with you. Anyone with a brain can see how much you mean to him and I know that you love him too."

I rolles my eyes. Was it really that obvious?

"Okay so yeah, the guy did get you into his mess and left your mother behind to face the consequences, but in his defence his intentions were never bad. No matter what he is, that boy is your soulmate. I'm convinced."

Our conversation ends there considering Ren comes over and sits in the chair beside me.

"So when exactly can we go home?" Gerdie asks, staring pointedly at Ren who was staring intensely at me.

Although I knew Ren and I werent together I felt immesely guilt for the "activites" Sage and I almost partook in. My mind kept wandering back to yesterday and then my face would be blazing red from the heated thoughts in my naughty little head.

"Whenever its safe," Ren answers, his gaze still lingering on me.

It was as if he could sense that something off was about me. "Rory are you okay?" He asks.

I snap out of my haze and nod to him. "Im fine, just thinking."

Ren gets up and kneels infront of me, looking into my eyes, his hand carressing my thigh. "Maybe you should let me take you down to bed. All this has put too much stress on you and we wont be able to get back to the island for another two days."

I looked down at him while those pools of cobalt stared up at me. Right now all I could focus on was the motion the pad of his thumb made on my skin, leaving a fire that settled in the pit in my stomach and spread fiercely to my core.

I was tired of being at a tug of war. I came to terms with the fact that I wanted Ren in the most physical way possible. Not only that but I just wanted him period.

In everyway.

But I just couldnt break the promise to myself. In some way I felt as though pulling myself from Ren was what was morally right.

I push his hands away from me. "I dont need you worrying about me, Ren. I can handle myself." I snap

For some reason I immediately hated how I just hurt his feelings.

He rose from his place infront of my knees, his face filled with frustration. "Im trying Aurora."

I sighed and stood to my feet infront of him. "Im sorry. I dont mean to take it out on you."

Ren smiles for the first time that day and my heart literally skips a beat because of it. My heart flutters and as if it has been set out on a sunny day to thaw out, bathing in his warmth. "I understand that."

"Oh, stop hovering Ren. Give her her space." Gerdie teases him.

Ren plops back in his seat. "I've tried." He mumbles.

I wander away from them, leaning on the railing and staring out to the vast ocean.

Even though he was right infront of me, I missed how Ren and I use to be. I couldnt believe I could even form that thought coherently without getting angry. I guess because I really did miss him, all my anger had dissapated and now my main train of thought were ways to get closer to him but not letting him know I was over everything he had done.

I dont know if it was the fact that I was feeling all wonky because of what Sage did to me but my feelings were all over the place. One minute Im snapping at him for worrying about me and the next Im ready to break into tears because his arms arent wrapped around me.

Did I want his arms wrapped around me?


It was extremely hard to know what she wanted when she kept pushing me away and then stealing glances at me out of the corner of her eye. Aurora was literally driving me insane by the way she kept me at arms length. I dont know how long I was gonna last before I cracked.

It was strange to me, needing her so much I mean. How could that girl have such control over me without even sparing me a lingering glance? I knew the answer, I just wish I didnt so I could doubt my reasons for loving her so fucking much.

"She loves you, you know,"

My head snaps in Gerdies direction.

Right now she was comfortably sunbathing with her sun glasses over her eyes.

"Did she tell you that?" I ask quickly.

"No." My face falls. "But Im her best friend, I know what she doesnt quite grasp yet."

My spirits pick up. Of course she loved me... I mean she had to right? After all we had been through there was just no way she couldnt.

"Anybody can see how much she cares for you. Even after the bullshit you put her through! I just wish you would stop being a little pussy about her pushing you away. You're stuck on this beautiful boat with her for two days. Stop taking the backseat and let her know how much control you have." Gerdie scoffs. "It wont take much. The girl is so sexually frustrated that its ridiculous."

Gerdie was right. Aurora belongs to me and I was being a complete pussy for letting her tell me her false feelings toward me and then stupidly believing them. Aurora almost confessed her love to me when I had her pinned in that cabanna if it werent for that old couple. it couldnt be that hard to push her to that edge once again.

"I dont care what she claims, that girl staring at you while she thinks you arent looking is the love of your life. If you let her go you're an idiot."

Why did it take Gerdie for me to realize that getting her back would be easier than I once thought?

Author's Note:

Wow... this is awkward. I feel like such a douche for not writing for so long but I've been without internet and its been really hard connecting with my wattpad family:( Im sorry if this is crappy and short but Im gonna start relying on my phone for writing and updates so it should make them come quicker.

And yeah Gerdie does play the field in this chapter but thats just her, she looking out for Aurora's best interests and she happens to think its Ren :D

So now with all my apologies and clear understandings outta the way, I got a question for you...

Ren or Sage???

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♥♡♥Lily B.

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