No Attention For Ten Minutes

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(I was listening to Autumn Leaves by Ed Sheeran and Blood Bank by Bon Iver while I wrote this... thought you guys might want to know!!)

At the table, Lori and Nicholas sit side by side, Nicholas sipping his drink out of the restaurants crazy straw and Lori gazing at her iphone.  Once our presence is noticed, Lori looks up and smiles brightly putting away her phone.

"Hi, honey!" She then stands and hugs Ren, adorning his face with red painted kisses.

When she's done raining attention on her uneasy son she looks at me and tears well up in her eyes as she yanks me into a bone crushing hug.  Since I had practically taken a few bullets for Nicholas she always approaches me this way, with tears and long lasting hugs. In her eyesI had saved her son's life and tamed her Ren. Somehow I became her hero and that was alot of pressure.

"Look at my little superwoman.  You get more beautiful every day." She tells me finally letting me go and taking her seat again.

Lori was never the type to just pass out compliments just because she felt like being nice. Ren once told me that she only behaved like this when someone. ultimately gained her respect. I loved that I had won over Ren's mom and I only had to take a few bullets to do it. 

Once Lori is done with me my eyes immediately go to Nicholas who hasnt even looked up from the gameboy that he just pulled out out no where.

"Hi Nicholas," I say tentatively.

He doesnt respond.

"Nicholas dont be rude." Lori scolds but he still doesnt obey even after being reprimanded by his mother.

Nicholas doesnt speak to me now, or at least not the way he used to.  This little five year old came right out and told me that as long as Ren and I were together, him and I couldnt be friends because he absolutely loathed his brother that much.  I really would have wished that Nicholas could just put this behind him and forgive his only brother but me getting shot and put in a coma really did a number on him psychologically.  I really hated that he had to grow up so quickly, so rapidly. Everytime I look at his blank face it brings me to tears.  And it doesnt help that I was nervous to see Nicholas. I missed him and I wanted us to be okay again but I knew Nicholas's conditions and I havent completed them yet.

Look at me. At a five year olds mercy.


Ren kisses my cheek and rubs my back as tears spring to my eyes.

"Oh honey dont mind him. He's just angry. His therapist says it'll pass with time." Lori claims, running a hand through his curly mop of hair.

I sniffle. "But its been six months." I tell her, looking over a Ren frantically and that was a mistake. Ren looks even more torn than I do. I was on the verge of crying and I knew it would pain him to see me do so. He blamed himself for all of this and now I had tears in my eyes.  I should probably be considerate of his feelings and try and stop myself but honestly I couldn't. 

"Honey you cant keep doing this to yourself. He's a five year old. He probably wont even remember this when he gets older." Lori says, rolling her eyes and looking over her menu.

"Yes I will!" He exclaims, finally speaking up.

Hope blossoms in my chest at the sound of his little boy voice.  I was whipped... by a five year old.

"Why dont you stop being a little shit to her?" Ren growls at Nicholas.

My head whips to him.

His mom exclaims. "Ren!"

"No, no. I'm tired of him acting like a little snot." Ren points his finger in Nicholas's scowlimg face. "She took three bullets for you. Three. And you treat her like this? Show a little appreciation."

"Ren stop it." I say sharply and surprisingly he listens.

Then I get an idea.  Nicholas loves my attention, whether im playing with him or crying because he wont be my friend.  For months I have been going by to see him to no avail, or calling Lori to see if he would talk to me. He never would. But now I see that he is five and maybe he'll miss me if I stop completely and give him zero attention.

"It's fine. I dont care about being his friend anymore." I say, willimg the tears in my eyes to draw back up.

"You dont?" Ren and Lori both ask curiously, doubting that this is actually the truth.

I shake my head. "Nope. I got plenty of friends." I pick up my menu and scan the items. "We should probably order soon."

I dont spare Nicholas a second glance so thats probably why I dont know if he's taking the bait or not.  But I also cant focus because Ren's gifted hands rub my thigh under the table. I dont stop him, when could I ever? His touch soothed me and gave me strength to follow this no attention thing through.

"So when are you moving out of the house, Aurora? I know Ren's been telling me that he wishes you too would move in together."

I nod and glance at Ren who was too busy glaring at whatever his little brother was doing.

"Actually, I havent told Ren yet..."

Ren's head whips around so fast that I know his head must hurt at the sudden movement.  I laugh but continue.

"Since my mother is getting married in two weeks, I know she would appreciate not having a bunch of teenagers running around her house on her honeymoon.  So I was going to just move out a few days before to a loft in the city.  There's enough room for all of us. Ren, Koria, Gia, Blake, and I."

Blake was Gia's boyfriend. They were serious and... well broke. So I knew they would need at place to stay if Ren was thinking about moving in together.

I glance at Ren who is smiling beyond what I thought was normal capacity. He leans in and brushes a quick kiss across my lips.  He gazes happily into my eyes brushing a strand of hair away from my blushing cheeks.

"You wont regret this okay, baby?" He whispers into my ear, pressing another kiss to my cheek.  I glance into his eyes and instantly see that he wishes he could do so much more to me.

I nod and smile.  I love the way Ren shows his love for me no matter where we are, who we're infront of or what we're doing.  It drives me insane, in a good way.

"Im so excited for you two!  And for your mother.  I knew once Nicholas and I moved out John would eventually pop the question. Her wedding will be so beautiful!" Lori exclaims.

I had grown to withstand John's presence. I finally got it through my thivk skull that maybe what he did that night possibly had a purpose.  After all he wasnt all that bad of a guy and he made my mother happy and thats really all that mattered.

The food arrived and we were silent for a while eating.  After dessert and the check we all say goodbyes... well more like Lori says goodbye while Nicholas pouts.

Ren twines his fingers through mine and pulls me toward the door. But then I feel a tap on my hand.  I turn around to see Nicholas. His wide tropical blue eyes are wary and nervous and so heart stalling.

When I bend down to his level he surprisingly throws his arms around my neck and holds me tight.

"If you take me to Chuckie Cheese, then we can be friends." He whispers and I can hear the smile in his voice.

Tears spring to my eyes and I wrap my arms around his tiny back, laughing.  I had gotten my Nicholi back.

Author's Note:

Hola.. como estas?? Sorry im not that good at spanish lol Anyway this doesnt have alot of action but little Nicholi forgave Aurora!  Comment how you feeling bout the extension of STBB!!

Lily B. ♡☆♡☆

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