Prologue part 1 a new prince

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River paced around outside the room for today was the day he was destined for him a child and 3 three year old star a new sibling.Then Star looked at her father saying "Daddy when is my siblin gonna get here".Then River looked at her "well Star this takes a while and we must wait"Star huffed saying "well someone should tell my sibling to hurry".The moment after saying that River laughed saying"I don't think it will be to long".The doctor came out saying"That was woah but it went good you can see her now".The king and princess rushed to queen butterfly and found moon holding a bundle in a blanket and in a bed.Then River aproached her asking "well what is it a prince or princess".Then moon moved the blanket showing the white haired baby saying "a prince and a cute one at that".Then suddenly the tiny prince opened his eyes looked at star and smiled his first smile and laughed his first laugh.This caused queen moon to smile saying "he seems to like his older sister".Star looked at him and smiled saying"I promise to be the best older sister you could want and need"and star shed a tear of happiness saying"I love you little bro".Both the king and queen smiled at this and turning him around to see them and saying "and you will be protected by us".Then out of the blue Glossryck appeared saying "interesting" and Moon saying "yes he'll be a fine prince"and Glossaryck saying "no something else".Then Glossaryck put his hand on the baby's head and said shocked"this this is a first".The way he said it worried Moon saying"what is something wrong with him".Glossaryck said "no quite the opposite the reason im saying that is because we'll"Glossaryck paused for a moment saying"the first male butterfly to have magical abilities".The king and queen's jaw dropped while star looked confused asking"hasnt there been one before".That question made Moon snap out of it saying "no star when a butterfly princess is born they have power but never before a prince".Then Glossaryck said"yes and he should be properly trained and should know abilities and since hes magical I invited friends".That moment members of the magic court came in with moon saying "well I guess if thats the case then council meet the prince".The first person to hold him was omnitraxus with him saying "ive seen many thing but you are a first"the prince looked amazed at the universe on omnitraxus body.The second was Rhombulous with him saying "just you wait i'll make you strong"the baby playfully punched Rhombulous making him laugh.The third was Heckapoo saying "sup hey if you need a hot baby sitter im your gal"the baby cuddled closed to her saying"huh got a crush already I see".The final being Lekmet and while hold him tried to eat a can but the baby took it and teethed on Moon took the baby and said "well we will name you tommorow im too exhausted today to think of a name".This causing king butterfly to say"same here"and everyone laughing meanwhile far away the image of the baby prince is seen on a crystal ball and a pair of black hands on the ball saying"if I play my cards right with him i'll not only get powerful but also the kingdom".

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