Love Bug

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              Two weeks later
                   Sin's POV
    Lady runs her fingers through my hair, her small bare body pressed gently against mine. We haven't done anything remotely sexual in the last three weeks, but still choose to sometimes sleep like this. "Your warm," she says.
    "Your cold. Maybe you should use a blanket," I say, reaching over for it. She shakes her head and pulls me further down to her.
    "I like using you as a blanket though," she says. I move so I'm laying on my side beside her with her head rested in the crook if my neck. I kiss the top of her head.
   "I've been dreading to ask this, but how did Tobias take the break up? I don't have to break the pretty boys face, do I?" Her lips curl into a smile against my Adams apple.
    "He was okay and said he understand why I feel the way I do for you," she tells me. She sneezes softly, pulling away and rubbing her eyes.
    "Looks like someone caught a case of the love bug," I say. She rolls her pretty hazel eyes.
    "No, it's a cold. And I won't be saying I love you anytime soon," she says. I rest my hand on her ass, waiting for her to shive it away but she doesn't.
    "What did I say the first time I told you? That I was going to keep saying it no matter what and would wait. I'm still sticking to that," I say. She kisses my cheek and gets up from bed. "I have the best view in the world. Do a little spin for me."
    Laughing she throws a pair of boxers at me and outs her shirt from yesterday on before walking to the bathroom and turning the water on. I get up and go in. She turns around as soon as she notices my presence.
    "What do you think your doing?" She asks with a cocked brow.
    "Saving water. And it's cold," I say. She takes a deep breath and wets her hair. I put some shampoo in her hair. She let's out a soft moan at the feeling of me messing with her hair. That sounds goes straight down to my...big friend.
    "Either you get it down, or I'm getting out," she says.
    "Sorry. Its not in my control at all times," I say. She turns around and wraps her hand around me. "That's not helping with the situation."
    "I know."
               Lady's POV
    "Hey mom," I say when I get in her and my dads home. It's weird now that I don't live here and am now on my own. "Where's dad?" I ask.
    "Still at work. He should be getting done soon," she says. I release a deep breath. "Is there something you want to talk about?"
    "Yeah, its about a boy," I say. Her eyes widen and immediately sets down her coffee. "I don't know how you'll react, but I'm guessing it'll be better than dad's. Sin and I have been seeing each other again for a while now and I don't feel comfortable without you knowing."
    She looks down at her hands, her happy expression falling. "I don't know what made you guys break up before, but you were crushed. I was able to tell even though you hid it well. Do you really want to go down that rout again? He's in the army now, tattoos all over his body," she says.
    "Mom, I'm smart and know how to tell salt from sugar. I have left what happened in the past and am happy for what's to come. And he's in the army cause he wanted to help; this whole town still paints him as a villein​. As for the tattoos, it's his moms and Timbers names with roses. And I think they make him look even more handsome." 
     She tilts her head to the side, examining me. "You love him don't you?" She asks. I shake my head.
    "Maybe. I'm not sure. I need time to understand that again." She places her hand on top of mine.
    "You have my blessing, its your father that's not gonna let this happen and when he's dead and gone, he'll haunt the boy." I laugh a little, knowing she's right. "How about you two come over tonight for dinner? After your meeting? That way I'm here to cool your dad off and each for you can get your points across."
    I nod. My phones dings.
    Come over. You forgot your shirt-the texts from Sin reads.
    I'm wearing that shirt. Why do you need me to go back?-Lady
    I want to lay down and hold you until you go to the meeting. Is that too much to ask for? Now come.- Sin
    Smile down at my phone and put it back in my bag. "I have to go. Timber needs help with food or something like that. I'll see you tonight," I say and kiss her cheek.
         I knock softly on the door. Sin swings it open and pulls me in, dragging me to the couch and sitting down on, pulling me onto his lap. He doesn't say anything before turning the TV on. I look at him strangely.
    "Is everything okay? Its not like you to just want me over to cuddle when I just left," I say. He turns to face me.
   "I'm good. I just didn't want to be alone," he says. I nod, taking that for the truth and dropping the subject.
   "I told my mom about us and she surprisingly gave her blessing," I tell him. His content expression falls into worry. "Isn't that a good thing?"
    "Yeah, but what about your father. Its your father I'm worries about. He'll try and kill me in a split second," he says.
    "My mom invited us over for dinner after my meeting. That way we don't have to be alone when telling him," I say. He throws his head back, groaning. "I think it's a good idea and a lot safer for you both."
    "You don't think I can defend myself?" I shake my head, laugh at him.
    "I know you can, handsome. Just please promise me you'll go and not be a smartass."
    "I can't promise the last thing. It's natural, I have no control."

AN: Her mom approves!! Her dad won't be so easy though. Please comment and share! Stay alive |-/    -Vaeh

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