{1} The First Prophecy

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When a dark evil comes to threaten the land

A master of Spinjitzu must do what he can

The time has come for the Earth to be shaken

A new Seer will awaken

Red, Black, White, and Blue

Must find the Golden Weapons bright and true

A great journey shall begin

And stir a fight that good must win


My day started with voices. Their ethereal echoes fading as my consciousness grew. Their whispers desperately clinging onto my tired mind, yet the wispy tendrils failed to hold. They did succeed, however, in throwing my thoughts into a whirlwind of confusion. What on Earth was that? I haven't dreamt of anything before now... So why is it that voices are what greet me in my first dream?

        I rub my eyes, vaguely wondering what time it is. Opening them, I am greeted with a wooden ceiling. One that I have grown accustom to over the past weeks. Something I still consider myself grateful for.

        I crane my neck to look out the window next to the bed. The sky has yet to change from it's dark color, but I can see red starting to creep up on it. The sun would be rising soon.

        Hmm... It's a bit earlier then I normally wake up. I shrug the thought off, deciding I should get up. I'm already awake, might as well get ready and make myself useful. It's the very least I can do.

        Pushing the white covers off of me, I hop out of bed. I make sure to go back and pull the covers back in their rightful places. As well as fixing the pillows I've thrown askew during my slumber. I made sure not even a single wrinkle remained.

        Satisfied with my work, I set out for some clothes. I'm still in my pajamas, and I can't be walking around in that, no matter how comfortable they are. It would look as if I didn't care and was lazy if I kept them on. I don't want them thinking that. So off to find clothes I go. Thankfully, my original pair of clothes have been washed. Yes, I am appreciative of the clothes lended to me, but I prefer my turquoise shirt over the bright red. It's much more calmer, more fitting of me.

        Putting on the jeans that go with it, I go to grab my bag as well. I pause for a moment, looking at the paper card nestled inside. The outside a dull grey, with silver lettering catching the light. I pull it out, taking a minute to gaze at it. The silver lettering on the front reading "Happy Birthday!" in bright cheerful letters. Opening the card revealed a white inside, but the lettering remained the same shining silver. It read, "Wish you a wonderful Birthday!". However, that wasn't the only writing inside. There are black words written in ink from what looked to be two different people telling by the different handwriting. The curvier handwriting read, "Happy Birthday my beautiful daughter! Look at you, all grown up! I still can't believe it! I'm so happy to have raised such a kind and sweet loving girl like you. - Mom" The sharper writing said the following, "Happy Birthday my little girl! Don't you think for one moment you'll stop being my little baby. Even if you've grown to be such a strong and independent gal. Mira, keep being you, never change. - Dad."

        I ran a finger over the card, taking a few more seconds to admire the simple card. Finally, I close it and tuck it away in my bag, which I sling over my head.

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