11: Following Through

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"You said you would go, Jihyun." You were dragging him out of the house.

"Yeah, well, you're just a demon! Full of sexual trickery!" He called out as he struggled against you.

"Well I made the appointment and they'll charge me if I cancel it this late, so you're going!"

"No! What if she finds out?!" His eyes, although failing in sight, looked wild.

"How would she find out?! You don't see her!"

"She knows where my house is! What if she comes after you?"

You stopped, frustrated and looked at the mint colored man.

"Jihyun, look at me." You held his face in your hands to assist him. "Sell your house. I'll sell mine. Let's move somewhere else."

"She would find us. She chose that house. It doesn't feel right just getting rid of it. I already abandoned her."

"Jihyun. She blinded you. She lied to you. Let go of her. Let. Her. Go." You were upsetting yourself now, and your eyes were tearing up.

Hearing your small sniffles, he reached up towards your face, using the pads of his thumbs to feel around.

"Oh... YN... Please don't cry for me."

"I can't help it! It's so, so, hard for me to hear that kind of stuff after I watched her do all of this to you. I love you so much. I can't even imagine doing what she did to you. I would love to have a house with you. I would love to be engaged to you. I would love to have your baby. But I would never hurt you to get my way. I would never force you to do anything. Just like this, I won't force you to get your eyes fixed. But I don't want to lose you either. And I don't want you to be in pain. So please, before we're late, come with me to the doctor." You concluded your monologue, and V-- speechless-- followed you to the car.

As you drove along, he eventually got up the courage to respond to you.

"I think I would like all of that too. But I don't know how to love you without it being an obsession. And before I can devote the rest of my life to you, I think I should learn how to do so respectfully and appropriately."

You nodded, accepting this statement and rubbing V's thigh in reassurance.

He held your hand in his, stroking each finger as if they were strips of diamonds, worth admiring.

"What size is your ring finger? 4? 4.5?" He asked as you pulled into the parking lot.

"It's a 4, Mr. Smooth Guy. And we're here. I'll come around and grab your hand, so just wait for me."

"I wish it were me, opening the door for you."

"Well after this appointment, you might be well on your way."

As you walked hand-in-hand up to the check-in desk and presented his insurance card, you saw V looking around with a degree of panic on his face. After checking-in was done, you lead his to the chairs in the waiting room. Quickly, he took a seat and reached out for you.

"Jihyun, we're in a doctors office. I don't think it's appropriate--"

"Please, YN. I'm so... anxious."

Sighing, you sat on his lap and allowed him to bury his face in your neck.

"What if the doctor is angry with me for not doing anything about my eyes?"

"Well that would make two of us."

"What if he makes me prosecute Rika? I couldn't do that."

"Doctor-Patient confidentiality prevents that. Jihyun, you know this. Why are you so anxious?"

"Well I'm really considering doing this, so I just want to think it all the way through."

"Kim, Jihyun?" The nurse called out.

"Coming." V responded calmly. You stood up, grabbed V's hand and led him into the office.

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