2: Caught

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"I know this is a terrible time to bring this up YN but..." Jihyun rolled over to look at you.

"Oh Jihyun, no..." You flopped over away from him, showing him your bare back. You knew what was coming next.

"I have to leave tomorrow morning. Rika," He reached out to touch you, but you cringed at her name. "She has some announcement that she insisted I come back for. I'm sure it's nothing important, but I was thinking..."

"Yes, Jihyun? Spit it out..." You were a tad grumpy, but you could never be angry at V.

"The Love Museum in Hongdae... I'd like to go with you."

Flipping over and tackling V, you laughed.

"Hey! Didn't anyone tell you not to attack blind people!"

"You're just trying to distract me! You're such a pervert! The Love Museum? You know you can't have sex there right?" You giggled at him.

"But the car is fair game, no?"

Hitting him in the chest, you rolled off of him onto the floor. V reached out in your general direction.

"...It's not like I'll be able to see anything there anyway." He whispered softly.

"You could. You could have the surgery." You knew this was a sensitive spot for him. He instantly recoiled and faced away from you.

"No. I deserve it. I upset Rika, and she didn't know what to do. She's mentally ill, YN, it's not her fault."

"Mental illness isn't an excuse. Not for this."

"I love her so much." He whispered, tears welling up in his eyes. This was so incredibly difficult for you. Your precious Jihyun had gotten trapped in Rika's web. She had him lying to his closest friends, sneaking around and falling deeper into the black hole of depression.

You sighed deeply. There was a tender spot in your heart for V, but his devotion to Rika was unhealthy. And your devotion to him was unhealthy. Why do I stay with him?  He won't leave her. He'd rather go blind and die first.

"Could you find some reason for me to come tomorrow?" You asked as you laid back in bed. "It wouldn't hurt to have me around. Then she's less likely to do something... mean."

"No. Absolutely not. I don't want you anywhere near her."

Little did he know, you wouldn't have a choice.

The next morning, before V even had a chance to leave, there was a knocking on your door.

"V? V?! I know you're in there. Saeran tracked your phone. Come talk to me."

"Shit." V grumbled. "YN! YN! Quick, get dressed and pretend we're at a shoot."

Groggily, you looked at him in confusion, but quickly registered the panic on his face. Luckily, the bedroom was still set up from last night.

"I'm coming Rika, dearest!" V called out as he stumbled to reach your front door, running into furniture and tripping constantly.

Opening the door, he saw a livid Rika and a snickering Saeran.

"What are you doing here? I told you to be at the compound in the morning?" She shoved him backwards and he stumbled into the small table next to your door. Inviting herself in, she continued to corner V.

"I-I'm just doing a shoot! The woman requested a boudoir shoot. She offered more money than I thought reasonable to turn down. I was going to give it to Mint Eye of course. Please, Rika, understand."

"Understand?" She pushed V again, this time causing him to break a vase on your table and cut his hand on it.

You were listening and trying your best to get ready for whatever came next.

"Well let's see her. Let's see who's so important that you would miss your own wife's announcement."

"She's in the bedroom. And we're engaged... not married... not yet at least dearest. You don't want to confuse people."

Ignoring her bleeding fiance, Rika marched towards the bedroom and opened the door with Saeran not far behind.

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