Chapter 13

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I sat in my dressing room, I couldn't handle it out there. I had to 'fix' my makeup. I was so pissed at Jacob. Where the hell is he?!

''The performance was amazing, breath taking really," a sweet but unfamiliar voice rang through the the dressing room. I turned around to see who it but I found Jolene. When did she come here?

Am I hearing things?

"Yes, Aria, it's me speaking," my jaw dropped at her words. Jolene's words. She was speaking. To me.


"I- but- wh- how?'' I wasn't able to form words. I was like freaking out, how could she suddenly talk.

"When you sang that song for me, I finally realized that something is worth wasting my breath on, and that is being your friend. You've done so many things for me that I think it's impossible for me to ever pay you back, but then I realized that maybe if I try to talk, that might make you a little more happy, so yeah, here I am talking, for you,"


I storm over to the elevator of this huge building where Jacob lives. How could he ditch me there and make me look like a fool to Niall?

But that's not what's important, what's important is that one of the most important people in my life wasn't there to support my success and hard work.

I roughly press the elevator button and stomp in, my heels clicking on the ground. They were killing my feet and I was afraid that I would fall down. I pressed Jacob's floor number and crossed my arms, with a scowl on my face. I was trying so hard not to break. Why wasn't he there? He better have a good excuse.

As I waited, I yanked my pumps off of my feet. I sighed slightly at the comfort as my feet hit the dirty ground but I couldn't care less at the very moment. I held my heels in one hand and walked out the elevator after I heard the ding sound. I jogged over to Jacob's door, with my hand over my mouth to prevent my sobs from escaping. Once I reached his door, I banged on his door. Hard.

Moments later, he opened the door with a sigh and bottle? Oh he's screwed.

I stormed in, and threw my heels to the side, not caring about them breaking at the very moment. I crossed my arms, and looked at him, my breathing heavy and loud.

''You can come in,'' his sarcastic voice over powers my heavy breathing. What. Is. Up. With. Him.

''And if you're here for an explanation or an excuse as to why I wasn't there tonight, I don't have one, so save your voice for that world tour that you're going on with your beloved Niall,'' the way his words tumbled out of his mouth so carelessly kicks my anger up a notch.

''Is this what all this is about?'' I scoff, watching him walk past me to his not so very clean living room. ''Because of me wanting to chase my dream of being a singer?''

''No, not really,'' he shrugs so carelessly. Why is acting like this?

''Why are you being so careless about this?"

''I'm not, I'm just not putting any effort into this if it's going to waste,'' I feel my heart drop at his words, he's not going to put any effort into me because I'm not worth anything to him.

''So I'm not worth anything to you,'' my hand goes up to my throat and I pinch it slightly to somehow prevent my sobs. And to even make it worse, he doesn't reply. I follow him to the living room, waiting for the reply I'm dying to hear.

''What has gotten into you?'' I ask, shaking my head slightly. ''What are trying to say or do here?'' I pinch the skin near my throat harder as I swallow back the sobs.

''What I'm trying to say here is that you don't need me, I'm just holding you back from your dream, I'm not worth it, I'm not as good looking, famous, rich, loved, and perfect like Niall. Niall is what you need. Not me. Everyone ships Naria, no one ships Jaria or whatever our ship name is. You need him, you love him, and he loves you. He's perfect. He'ks not broken like I am. If you go with him, you won't have to deal with someone who is worthless and broken.'' My heart broke even more as each syllable tumbled out of his mouth. He doesn't think he's good enough for me.

Oh Jacob...

''You think you're not good enough for me?'' I say in awe. I take his silence as a yes. He lifts his hand to take another swig of his bottle. I walk over to him and gently take the beer bottle from him. I set it at the table and move closer to him. I take his hands in mind and turn slightly so I'm facing him. His eyes avoid mine as I try to look into them. I gently move his chin up with the tips of my fingers, so he's forced to look at me.

''You are good enough for me, hell you are too good for me. I love you with every piece of me. I don't love Niall, not anymore. He maybe perfect, rich, famous, or whatever. But he can't give the one thing I want: a normal love life. Fame made me forget what it was like being normal. Being loved for who I actually am, not who I am on the screens. You are the only one who could give me that. I don't care if you aren't famous, because we both got enough fame. And no one's perfect, except for you. Your flaws make you perfect, and don't you ever change for anything, because I love you because of what you are this moment. I will be more than glad to help fix you. But I can't fix you, I can only help, the only person who can save you is you. I don't care if everyone still ships Naria, what matters is that we ship jaria, I ship Jaria, do you?'' All I need is a nod. All I need is a nod. Just a nod.

He looks at me with an expression that I can't seem to identify, he was looking for any sign of humour or lies, but he finds none. He knows that I wouldn't lie about something like this.

"Yeah...I do," his voice is small. Right before he looks down, I crash my lips to his, lifting his head up. His lips immediately respond to mine. We both pour all our emotions and feelings for each other in this one kiss. I pull away leaving him wanting more, he opens his mouth tkd protest, but I shush him with my index finger. I grab his hand and take him to his bedroom.

"Aria, what are you doi-''

''Shsh, I want to show you how much I love you,''


Hey guys...this chapter is not edited, and I'm sorry about that, once I get 50 reads on this chapter I will update again, so I update every 50 reads....



And please tell me I'm not the only one who died because of all those Jaria moments...they made me die on the inside.

Anyways, I'm almost at 50 000 reads on PTC which mean more to me than you will ever know! I love You all,

And don't forget to stay beautiful, and never give up on what you want because At the end It's going to be worth all the pain and the struggles. Don't quit, suffer now so you could live as a champion for The rest of your life.

Vote and comment what you think of this chapter 😄


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